Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hennepin County Sheriff Challenge

There are 3 candidates for the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office.

Eddie Frizell                           Rich Stanek

Kitten for Sheriff

The following questionnaire was sent to all three campaigns. The responses will be published unedited on this blog.

Hennepin Sheriff Challenge
This questionnaire is being sent to all of the candidates running for Hennepin County Sheriff in 2014.

Answers will be posted on the Detention Home blog

Answers can be written or in video format and will be posted unedited.

1.       Why do you want to be Hennepin County Sheriff?

2.       What are your qualifications?

3.       Jail staffing currently has decreased professional Detention Officer ranks and greatly increased more expensive Licensed Deputy staff in the jail, one thousand dollars a month more per Licensed Deputy. Would you continue that trend?

4.       The jail schedule was changed from a 6/3 schedule in 2009 (after 32 years), to a 28/8 schedule which has led to low morale. It can take up to 5 years to get a weekend off. If elected are you open to a different schedule? A return to 6/3?

5.       The Hennepin County Jail is the largest jail in Minnesota and the only ACA accredited jail in Minnesota, yet the Detention Deputies are the lowest paid in the seven county metro area. What would you do to correct that?

6.       The Hennepin County Dispatchers are understaffed and underpaid. The result is massive turnover at time when the new $33 million Dispatch Center is set to open. What will you do to turn that around?

7.       Would your administration continue gathering of citizens’ cell phone metadata using the Kingfish tracker without warrants?

8.       The current Sheriff spends considerable time in Washington D.C. away from Hennepin County, 4 to 6 times a month. Would your administration continue that practice?

9.       What is your position on conceal and carry?

As stated above answers will be posted unedited.

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