Monday, May 31, 2021

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day. Remember and honor those who never returned!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Video of the Death of CO Joseph Gomm

 It's been a couple of years since the tragic murder of Joseph Gomm, a Correctional Officer at Stillwater Prison. Brutally beat to death with a hammer by an inmate and the State has yet to settle with his family.

KSTP just released this video and story. It speaks for itself.

Friday, May 14, 2021

PERA Board Discusses the Bill to 'study' adding 911 Dispatchers to Correctional Plan

 If you've been following this blog you know there is a Bill out there attempting to add 911 Dispatchers to the PERA Correctional plan, which would have very negative consequences for the Correctional Plan.

There is now another Bill SF 2485 to form a committee to 'study' adding Dispatchers to our pension. The MPPOA even wrote a letter supporting adding dispatchers to our pension. Two points, first off Dispatchers have a very important and grueling job, this is not a knock on them. Secondly, our pension is based on 95% inmate contact and our exposure to physical violence, disease and sometimes death. Dispatchers have no inmate contact.

The MPPOA decided to take me to task on Facebook.

Point one, it is a study to see if they should be added to our plan! Here's the Executive Director of PERA discussing the Bill at the May 13th meeting which I attended on-line. Here'a 48 second excerpt of exactly what the 'study' is.

So we see it is a study to possibly add 911 Dispatchers to our group and calls for the formation of a Committee. The Committee will include, among many, the PERA Director and someone from the Correctional plan chosen fortunately by PERA.

Point two, in their Facebook post the MPPOA says, "MPPOA WILL ALWAYS Look out for our Correctional members."  I didn't know the MPPOA has any FULL, voting Correctional members. Their own Membership Information page on the MPPOA website makes it clear you must be a Law Enforcement Officer with a license issued by the POST Board to be a full member!.  In Minnesota Correctional Officers are not licensed!

All of the MPPOA's members are in the Police and Fire Plan. Would Brian Peters support adding dispatchers to theirs? Why not?

In reality, the 911 Dispatchers deserve a good plan, but the Correctional Plan is not the place. They do not meet inmate contact criteria among many other reasons.

Saturday, May 08, 2021

SF2198 and HF2585 threaten PERA Correctional Retirement Plan!

 SF2198 now has a companion Bill in the House, HF2585.  

In this Bill it reads:

Please read the previous post on this detailing all of the reasons Correctional Officers have their own pension and 911 Telecommunicators don't fit in.

But wait, There's more! There's now another Bill SF2485 that creates a working group to "Consider changes to the pension benefits of 911 telecommuniuncators."  This working group has everyone on it BUT someone in the PERA Correctional plan! Read the list HERE.

And most puzzling of all is a letter from the MPPOA signed by Brian Peters throwing their full support for this Bill that will decimate our Pension! This is the SAME MPPOA that fought against our Correctional Plan when we were forming it, and was very vocal about not wanting us in their Police and Fire Plan. 

In this 'woke age of equity' one has to ask why Corrections Officers were NOT allowed to transfer their credit from the General Plan to the Correctional Plan when we moved over, but it is proposed that 911 Telecommunicators can transfer theirs over. We had to work years to be Vested, but 911 Telecommunicators  will be able to drain, I mean draw from our pension at once. A new Detention Deputy/ Correctional officer has to work 5 years to be Vested! 

Hey Brian Peters, how many 911 Telecommunicators  were assaulted by inmates this year? Spit on? Had piss or shit thrown at them? Caught Covid from inmates they were locked in with? Were beat to death? Shanked? You're very generous with the Correctional Plan, how about suggesting they go into your Police and Fire Plan?