Sunday, November 01, 2015

My response to the newest 12 hour survey!

By now most of you have seen the employers email being used to survey Detention Deputies about a 12 hour day. This has been polled to death. The last time went out last year and only 22 people wanted a 12 hour day.

The perpetrators of this survey say:  “The Administration is again interested in staff input into possible changes to the shifts worked in the ADD.”

Fact, only the Sheriff, by law can control our schedule. If the Sheriff's administration wanted us on a different schedule we'd be on it. If, "The Administration" was interested in our input, THEY would survey the employees, not a couple of stewards without input from the other stewards or our business agent.

How is it these stewards are so close to the administration that they are allowed to violate county policy and conduct "union" bushiness on employer email?

It's rather strange. When I was a steward I once replied to a captain on a union issue and hit reply all. My response went jail wide and I received a letter of reprimand for conducting union business on employer email.

This blog is full of reasons not to go to a 12 hour shift, peruse if you want, I won't waste my time re-posting.

Look, we are the lowest paid in our job class in the seven county metro area. How about these stewards quit pursing their agenda and work towards getting us where we should be compensation wise.


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