Sunday, September 14, 2014

Gov. Candidate Jeff Johnson thinks you get paid TOO much

This is the video of the Hennepin County Board approving our contract. The single NO vote came from Minnesota Gubernatorial candidate Jeff Johnson

He believes the step raises are"too much."

Too much for Detention Staff working in a dangerous environment and for stressed out 911 Dispatchers.

Too much for a job class that has had 5 years of wage freezes.

 In Jeff Johnson's world you should start at one rate and stay there forever, except for small occasional cost of living raises to keep you exactly where you started as inflation occurs.

This is a no vote from a man who has made the largest most dangerous jail in the State the lowest paid in the seven county metro area.

This coming from one of the highest paid County Commissioners in the State. A man making six figures a year and one of the only County Board members with a tax payer paid take home car!

Is this the man we want for Governor?

Remember this at the polls in November.


Anonymous said...

But would you want more of that buffoon Mark Dayton? The man can barely stumble and stammer through a complete sentence! He has raised fees on everything. He has claimed that his Office has balanced the budget and there is now a surplus...I guess he has forgotten that his budget has only been in place for a little over a year and it was a Republican controlled State Senate and House that truly passed the budget that we currently have a surplus. Remember, it was Dayton who wanted the business killing warehouse tax! Vote that buffoon out!

Steward 320 said...

I'm not campaigning for Dayton, but why would any Hennepin County public safety employee support Jeff Johnson? Seriously, they froze our wages for 5 years then that fuck stick thinks someone who should have been at top pay years ago is getting too much to inch towards it?

A little history. Steps ARE a cost saving measure. People start lower then the top pay because it's realized that as experience goes up you work into the full value of the job. To freeze the steps is to rob the employee of the full compensation of their experience.

Most of us took the job knowing that they would reach top pay in 6 to 8 years. Now top pay is indefinite. A Hennepin County bait and switch.

Anonymous said...

We all know Johnson has as much chance at winning the gubernatorial election as Ralph Nader winning a Presidential bid!
I really doubt you have to worry about him, you should be more concerned with protecting your assets when Dayton gets re-elected. Higher property and tobacco taxes are only the beginning.
A person should be able to enjoy a little higher pay but when it gets used up paying confiscatory taxes...well, as Paul Allen would say, the end result is that it is too obvious to explain.