Friday, October 09, 2015

Post by Steward R. Deal regarding 12 hour day bullshit

I had someone ask me the other day, "what is the union doing to get us on 12 hour days?". I replied "nothing". I then informed that Deputy it was already voted on twice and lost by a 2 to 1 margin. It appears someone is trying to sell a schedule that was already voted down by union members twice in a matter of months. Anyone can make an 28/8 work but not everyone can make a 12 work. With the commute alone will make your day longer than 12. People with family and kids will have a hard time finding daycare that will watch your kids for at least 13 hours. Not to mention, do you really want to have your kids in a daycare that long...REALLY. Then there's the issue of parking. Parking is going to skyrocket with the new stadium going up. They are making this a trendy area to attract people means higher parking rates. On a 12 hour day you will get fleeced on parking. I have been told that ESD love it. Easy for them when they are not as engaged in there work environment as we are. Have them sit in fingerprints, DS, CH housing, PORT and rover for 12 hrs. They don't pay for parking. Then you have the issue with the jail staffing. We run on minimums. As soon as we have extra bodies i fear the Sherriff would mess with the schedule more in order to not pay for extra bodies. Maybe cut hours or pay back days. License Deputies can cry all they want for 12's but remember...they have options if 12 doesn't work. They can bid out...not us. We are stuck with it. Remember, this was voted down twice!!!


Steward 320 said...

Remember this. We were on a 6/3 schedule for 36 years. Then in 2009 Sheriff Stanek placed us on the 28/8 schedule. We fought it hard. I can still see Chief Carlson pounding his fist on the table and telling us, "This is a notification, NOT a negotiation. You are going to a 28/8 schedule and we will consider no other options."

FACT: The 28'8 is Sheriff Stanek's schedule. By law and contract the schedule is the employers decision.

We are on the schedule the Sheriff wants and unless he wants something else this is it.

Anonymous said...

Funny how most of the licensed guys in the jail want to go to 12's... Maybe they were fed a little better information perhaps? Every agency you research, the officers didn't want to move from 8's to 12's... After they did, no one wanted to go back. Home all the time, less driving, less gas, less parking, etc. 12's are phenomenal! Get with the times.

Steward 320 said...

Doesn't matter. As Rick pointed out Licensed deputies can move around to keep eights. Did you notice how many flooded from ESU to Courts?

Anyways,EVERY-TIME Detention deputies have been polled 12's have never been first choice. Last time only 22 voted for them.

Bottom line, it's not negotiable. By law and statute the schedule is the Sheriff's.

Anonymous said...

I assume you mean ESD. Flooded back to courts? Wasn't due to the 12 hour schedule, that's for sure.

Maybe you should inform your members a little better like the licensed union did with them? Plenty of licensed in the jail that will never bid out. 12's would be awesome for them... Only thing holding them back is detention union.

Steward 320 said...

I don't care what the licensed association wants. The detention deputies have consistently polled against 12's. 6/3 was the best for 36 years and changed by the Sheriff without any concern for the employees. This argument is pointless. The schedule is the Sheriff's, NOT negotiable. The unions should spend their time negotiating for what is negotiable. Like wages. Why are we the lowest paid in the metro area? Why hasn't the highest paid Sheriff, nay, public official in the state, not lobbied for better pay for the largest Sheriff's Office in the state?

Highest paid Sheriff...lowest paid help..there lies the problem.

Anonymous said...

The last time you polled, you had 6/3 as a option. It wasn't an option. 12's or 8's, that's it. That's what should be polled.

Steward 320 said...

Ha ha ha! The Chief Deputy told everyone that we were all going to a 28/8 and THEY would consider no other options! Even 12's aren't an option! The poll was to ascertain what shifts might be preferable to our members. The only shift preferable to the Sheriff is the 28/8.

There's no sense pissing in the wind about something not even negotiable.

We are the largest jail in the State. The most dangerous jail in the State.

We are the lowest paid in the metro area, yet we have the highest paid Sheriff in the State and the highest paid County Commissioners in the State.

The Sheriff could give all of us more money by law and the County Board would have to pay it. Sheriff McGowan once gave an extra one percent to the licensed deputies over and above what detention and AFSCME got. Stanek doesn't roll that way.

They have turned the HCSO into a farm league for the other local law enforcement agencies. Today I looked at our seniority for Detention Deputies. Out of 181 Detention 99 were under 2 years! This doesn't count the 12 brand new ones in training. Counting them more then half our staff is under 2 years.

That number speaks for itself. I conclude this is either by design or poor management, or a combination of both.

They obviously want it this way. After all, the highest paid must be the best and the brightest.