Friday, September 18, 2015

Florida Prison's Can't Keep Staff

An article in states they have "hired over 2,200 correctional officers in the last year, but lost another 1,400 to turnover."


Our agency is paying for the training and so they work for our department for two or three years and then leave,” she told the House committee. “The agency is unable to attract and retain a professional and high-quality staff.”

Why you might ask?

The article answers that, "Their review found that the Florida Department of Corrections lost 7,600 officers from 2012 to 2014 and the primary reason was pay."

Sound familiar? Hennepin County pays it's Detention Deputy's at the jail and it's CO's at the workhouse the lowest wages in the seven county metro area.

They can't figure out why there is such high turnover or overtime!

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