Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mediation "Employers Best and Final Proposal"

Today we had mediation with Hennepin County. The following is the "Employers Best and Final Proposal."

It will be sent out for a vote.

The negotiating committee said we would not recommend a yes or no vote but leave it to the members to vote. So here it is, essentially it's the same offer they gave to AFSCME workhouse when they bargained with the non-essentials (as AFSCME always does). I will strip it down to the basics, the entire proposal will be mailed to you to vote on. 

WAGES: 2.5% cost of living raise 2014
                  2.5% cost of living raise 2015

Cash lump 2014 and 2015 of $300 to employees making under $18.01 an hour

SHIFT Differential to go up 5 cents to 90 cents an hour

Weekend Differential to go up 5 cents to 70 cents an hour


2014 1% market adjustment top pay Detention Deputy only
2015 1% market adjustment top pay Detention Deputy only

2014 only 2% Market Adjustment to each step in the pay range 

Additionally they agreed to allow Oral Reprimands to be removed from our files as a "me too" with the Licensed Deputy contract.

That being said, remember this is my personal blog, the following is my opinion.

If the members vote yes. They will receive a cost of living raise and steps. But only top paid Detention Deputies will receive a market adjustment. 

If the members vote yes, dispatch, who number about 1/4 of our bargaining unit, will receive a bigger raise than anyone else and our Detention Techs and Evidence Specialist will receive a lower raise than anyone in this bargaining unit. Essentially the pattern of everyone getting the same raise will be destroyed. 

AND, we will still be the lowest paid of our job-class in the 7 county metro-area. The County will still have the same attraction and retention problem they have now.

As an aside, the County and Bureau of Mediation Services forced the Dispatchers into our group in the late 90's when they became "essential," because they considered us the same. and we have ALWAYS received the same raise.

If the members vote no, the county will pull everything off of the table and we will go back to mediation. If we are unable to get an agreement we will file for arbitration. 

During the interim we will picket the County Board in an effort to get a better market adjustment.

While there are no guarantees in arbitration, traditionally the County argues the AFSCME pattern, and we would probably not do worse than this offer for the Detention Deputies. 

However, we could end up with the better offer made to the dispatchers in our unit or they could end up with ours.

Another thing to consider is that the Licensed Deputies have not settled. In years past when we have settled first they have on occasion been given more. Why settle first? I strongly suspect the county will offer them more, like the dispatchers.

I am at top pay. As such I will receive a bigger raise than the majority of our people not at top pay. I will vote no on this contract for two reasons. 

One, it is not enough,  the market adjustment offered still keeps us at the lowest paid in the 7 county area.

Two, I believe the market adjustment should be across the board for all of our members at every step. 

I find it offensive that the employer offered some in our bargaining unit a larger market adjustment then others. We all suffered through the wage and step freezes. We all descended to the lowest paid in the metro-area together. We should all climb out together.

I must again ask the employer what I asked at out first bargaining meeting, "Why does Hennepin County think we should be the lowest paid in the metro-area?"

In solidarity,
Wade Laszlo


Jason Herlitz said...

I agree with Wade. This is another slap in the face towards every single one of us. I urge everyone to vote against this and to show up for picketing. The county board needs to be made aware of the low morale and their obligation to try and make it better.

Anonymous said...

I work dog watch,this offer is a joke.Two lic deputies told me that Al the pres of their assoc,told them that there was more money too be had.I also agree with W ade and Jason this a slap in our faces.I will vote NO!

Anonymous said...

There is no way in hell i'm voting yes for this.We should be making the same as Ramsey County.