Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Watch Your Computer Use-They Are!

This week I had the misfortune of sitting with a member who received a day off for using a computer for non-work related use. I cannot stress enough that you will not win this fight. The computers are the employers property and the employer has made it clear their computers are for work use only. Misuse can lead to discipline.

The employer can discipline you only for "just cause."

Some elements of just cause are:
Was the work rule clear.
Was the employee aware of the rule.
Was the employee warned before.

As far as computer use for non-work activities goes, no one working in the jail can say they don't know the rule. If you are disciplined it will stick and the only thing the Union can do for you is to make sure your discipline is consistent with others who have done the same thing.

Fox TV had an interesting piece on this. (Click Here)
People have lost jobs over this.

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