Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sheriff Stanek Replies to KMSP TV

Click here for Sheriff Stanek's reply to KMSP TV's reports in the previous blog.

The point of interest to us is the Sheriff's willingness to waive the 16 hour work rule. A rule heavily enforced on those of us making far less money then Sen. Ortman and more dependent on overtime.


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Take a look at this blog site.


    I wonder how anyone in their right minds can't see how fishy this looks.

  2. Interesting debate at that blog. I could really care less how she got her job as long as she can do it come negotiations!

    Like I said, the part I find interesting is the way the 16 hour rule suddenly doesn't apply. We've tried to waive the outside employment article in our contract and the 16 hour ceiling on OT and outside work hours.

    While she may be an elected Senator she's also an emplyoyee and bound by the same rules as the rest of us. A precedent perhaps?
