Monday, February 19, 2007

Currrent Grievances

The following is the list of current grievances filed against the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office:

*New* Grievance filed by a member given a suspension for uttering a profanity 6 months ago! While the Sheriff's Office was reviewing a 6 month old tape of intake for an unrelated reason, a member was heard to utter a profanity while talking to another detention deputy.

Grievance filed by a member given a 10 day suspension for allegedly using excessive force during an SRT extraction witnessed by 4 supervisors who reported nothing wrong.

Grievance filed after management unilaterally ended the decades long past practice of having breakfast foods available before shift without negotiating with the union.

Although no formal complaints have been filed for internal discipline or criminally, a member has been left at home for months on administrative leave by the Sheriff's administration.

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