Spectrum News 1 is reporting "New York begins terminating striking Corrections Officers, cancelling their health insurance"
Tuesday, March 04, 2025
Friday, February 28, 2025
Bill to ban males from Shokopee womens prison
There's finally a Bill to ban incarcerating men in the Shakopee women's prison. It's hard to believe this is even a question.
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), a Federal Law would seem to already have this covered. Not to mention common sense, which seems to be lacking in Minnesota theses days.
Let's hope this bill passes!
Friday, February 21, 2025
Yet another NY prison takeover by inmates!
WWNYTV 7 News is reporting that the Riverview Correctional Facility had inmates take over dormitories in that facility during an overnight shift.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Follow up to NY prison uprising and more news
There's been more developments since the NY prison uprising we last wrote about.
Many of the NY Corrections Officers have gone on a wildcat strike.
NY Post is reporting that NY Governor Hochul has filed a suit against them.
Meanwhile in Hawaii
Thursday, February 13, 2025
More news regarding Corrections
Here's several news headlines affecting the Corrections Profession.
The good the bad and the ugly.
New York state prison placed on lockdown after inmates take over, injure three corrections officers | Fox News
From FOX 9 Minneapolis - Drug-laced legal papers prompt jailhouse investigation (Hennepin County Jail)
Sunday, February 09, 2025
Friday, February 07, 2025
Bill to ban men from being housed with women in MN prisons
Who would ever thought such a bill would be necessary, but here we are. It's hard to believe this was allowed under the PREA.
Hoping this bill passes.
Full story Alpha News.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Some Corrections stories in the news
Here's a couple of Corrections related headlines in the news.
Trans inmate's lawsuit challenges Trump 'two-sexes' order cutting off tax money for gender therapy - Fox News
Family suing after 59-year-old's death at Olmsted County Jail -Just The News
Monday, January 27, 2025
Which Minnesota Jails hold ICE inmates? And What's changed?
Not all jails have a contract with the Federal Government to house ICE inmates. Those Corrections Officers in those jails are going to be very busy for the foreseeable future.
ICE has agreements with the jails in Elk River in Sherburne County, Albert Lea in Freeborn County and Willmar in Kandiyohi County to use them as detention facilities for holding detainees. Full story CBS/WCCO.
People in the country illegally are housed in these facilities until they have a hearing and are released or deported. These jails actually are paid by the Feds and this offsets the the cost of running their jails for local taxpayers. (See this previous post in the Detention Home Blog about Sherburne County and Ice.)
As a retiree from the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office this is how things have changed.
Up until the middle of the Stanek administration foreign nationals who were arrested in Hennepin County were run by ICE to see if they were here legally. If not ICE would put a hold on them and when their county charges were done or they were to be released we'd hold them overnight until ICE picked them up the next day. They'd go to an immigration hearing. Much the same as if they had a hold for a neighboring County or State. Typically they'd pick up 2-3 a day, more on Monday after a weekend. It was a daily occurrence.
Then around 2014 Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman decided Hennepin County would no longer honor those holds and we had to release them. The result was at least a dozen a week released back into the community!
The new policy was we'd notify ICE when they were going to be released. If they got there in time they would arrest them as they were leaving the release area. If not they walked free. We were not to delay their release to wait for ICE. Too many just walked.
To clarify, a person arrested with only an immigration hold was not brought into the Hennepin County Jail. The arresting agency would have to drive them to a county jail that had the contract. Only inmates arrested for a crime in Hennepin County who also had an ICE hold were held over.
IMO not honoring an ICE hold endangers public safety. Those County's not honoring these holds are endangering their citizens.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Rep. Dan Wolgamott gets condemned by Benton County Board
You may remember Rep. Dan Wolgamott as one of the authors of the bill to raid the PERA Correctional Plan.
Well the Benton County Board just condemned Rep. Dan Wolgamott for refusing to show up for work. He hasn't even shown up at the Capitol one day this session! Not even the first day to take his oath.
And yes he's getting paid!
Full story here: https://x.com/MNHRCWarRoom/status/1881767613736656979?mx=2
Friday, January 17, 2025
Minnesota's Juvenile Correctional Problem
In 2021 Hennepin County closed the Homeschool, it's juvenile facility. Now they pay to send them out of State!
Good story from Alpha News.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Los Angeles County Jails in the midst of the fires
So how are the jails in Los Angeles county dealing with the fires?
As you know inmates don't just go home and Correctional Officers must still go to work and be responsible for the safety of the inmates.
The Appeal is covering this.
Saturday, January 04, 2025
Big changes for retired CO's
1. As of January 1, 2025 State and local Corrections Officers are now recognized as Public Safety Employees, the same as Police and Fire.
It's part of the Federal Secure Act 2.o.
If you retire early, before 55 there is no longer a 10% tax penalty. PERA penalties may still apply. Also if you COBRA your employer heath insurance that will now be tax deductible. See MNCORA Blog for more
There are also disability benefits too.
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Michigan Office of Retirement Services |
2. The Social Security Fairness Act passed and just needs the President's signature.
Once signed those CO's in the PERA Correctional Plan who opted out of Social Security will be able to collect for the years they paid in without penalty.