These are the Teamsters Local 320 shop stewards voted in by the members:
Wade Laszlo
Phil Miles
Jodie Hannig
Brian Peterson
Mike Smith
Jason Herlitz
Mike Hendricks
Thanks for voting. Thanks to all who put their names in the hat and thanks to those for their past service.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Any One But Hoffa!
The International Elections are this summer. I am running to be a delegate on the Anyone But Hoffa Slate.
Our weakness is the result of weakness from the top down and it's time to put some muscle back in the Teamsters.
The delegate election is important because the delegates decide who will be running for General President. I ask for your support.
The man I support is Fred Gergare. Strong leadership makes a strong union. A strong union means better contracts and working conditions.
In solidarity,
Our weakness is the result of weakness from the top down and it's time to put some muscle back in the Teamsters.
The delegate election is important because the delegates decide who will be running for General President. I ask for your support.
The man I support is Fred Gergare. Strong leadership makes a strong union. A strong union means better contracts and working conditions.
In solidarity,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Local 117 knows how to back Corrections Officers
SEATTLE) – Hundreds of Teamster correctional workers, their families, community allies, and other Teamster members rallied on the steps of the state Capitol in Olympia today in an effort to stop the cuts that they say are endangering the lives of prison workers and our communities. Teamsters Local 117 represents more than 6,000 correctional workers throughout the state. View photos from this event. PRESS RELEASE FROM TEAMSTERS (FULL STORY)
It's stories like this that make me proud to be a Teamster. There are several points I'd like to make.
First of all, especially if you view the photos, the amount of backing they, the Local 117 members, got from their local.
Second the sheer numbers. Hundreds protesting and 6,000 corrections members!
By comparison, Local 320 has passed up opportunities to have those kinds of numbers and clout in corrections in Minnesota. At least two years ago I spoke to Brian Aldes and Sue Mauren about organizing the state corrections officers (they asked me to be Teamsters) and was told no! That would be about 2,000 more members. Now if we then organized the Workhouse and most other counties we would have a strong position to bargain from. Why no? They have a 'no raid' policy towards AFSCME. How asinine to keep a job class fractured amongst different Unions rather then united.
I must ask, where was the 320 Executive Board when the Garrity rights of one of our stewards' (and by extension all of ours) was violated? Especially where was MNTLEL? They sat on their hands while this protection was weakened for every corrections officer and cop in the country.
Why do Minnesota Sheriff's and governments feel no fear when corrections officers are placed on shifts with no overlaps that compromise safety and security? When staffing levels are often dangerously low at certain times of the day?
Because there will never be those kinds of numbers and political clout as long as we are divided. Jimmy Hoffa senior knew this fact when he united the nations' truckers under the Master Freight Agreement rather then hundreds of fractured contracts. What was true then is true now. Strength in numbers.
We need a Master Corrections agreement in Minnesota. That's my vision.
It's stories like this that make me proud to be a Teamster. There are several points I'd like to make.
First of all, especially if you view the photos, the amount of backing they, the Local 117 members, got from their local.
Second the sheer numbers. Hundreds protesting and 6,000 corrections members!
By comparison, Local 320 has passed up opportunities to have those kinds of numbers and clout in corrections in Minnesota. At least two years ago I spoke to Brian Aldes and Sue Mauren about organizing the state corrections officers (they asked me to be Teamsters) and was told no! That would be about 2,000 more members. Now if we then organized the Workhouse and most other counties we would have a strong position to bargain from. Why no? They have a 'no raid' policy towards AFSCME. How asinine to keep a job class fractured amongst different Unions rather then united.
I must ask, where was the 320 Executive Board when the Garrity rights of one of our stewards' (and by extension all of ours) was violated? Especially where was MNTLEL? They sat on their hands while this protection was weakened for every corrections officer and cop in the country.
Why do Minnesota Sheriff's and governments feel no fear when corrections officers are placed on shifts with no overlaps that compromise safety and security? When staffing levels are often dangerously low at certain times of the day?
Because there will never be those kinds of numbers and political clout as long as we are divided. Jimmy Hoffa senior knew this fact when he united the nations' truckers under the Master Freight Agreement rather then hundreds of fractured contracts. What was true then is true now. Strength in numbers.
We need a Master Corrections agreement in Minnesota. That's my vision.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
December Updates
The Teamsters Membership Appreciation Meeting is Dec. 14th (Holiday Meeting). Click Here for details.
Duties include: Representing members in Internal Affairs and discipline hearings and contract negotiations.
If you are interested in being a Teamsters Union Steward please self nominate on the sheet hanging on the bulletin board. You must be a full dues paying member to be eligible. Every two years when the contract is settled we insist on elections.Duties include: Representing members in Internal Affairs and discipline hearings and contract negotiations.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The importance of health & welfare checks
For the second time in a year and a half, the Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) has found that Ramsey County jail staff violated state rules governing how often inmates need to be checked on. -STAR TRIBUNE
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Overtime Backpay Update
As of today, November 16, 2010, the Department of Labor is working to get us the unpaid overtime back pay augments owed.
As you know Dave. B. discovered our overtime was being calculated incorrectly. After filing a grievance our BA Tom Perkins directed him to the Department of Labor and he successfully received his back pay last August. The rest of us, even after assurances from the HCSO and Hennepin County that it was being worked on have gone unpaid since last July.
Enough is enough.
As you know Dave. B. discovered our overtime was being calculated incorrectly. After filing a grievance our BA Tom Perkins directed him to the Department of Labor and he successfully received his back pay last August. The rest of us, even after assurances from the HCSO and Hennepin County that it was being worked on have gone unpaid since last July.
Enough is enough.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Teamsters Local 320 Election Result
The ballots were counted today. The Sue Mauren slate has another 3 years. The Members for a Better Union slate took between 36%-37% of the vote. Not bad for the first time out, a short campaign and only spending about $1,400 compared to the Sue Muaren slate's over $10,000.
I hope the Sue Mauren slate got the message. Out of about 9,800 eligible voters only about 2,300 bothered to vote and 36% went to the Members for a Better Union slate. I'd hardly call the result a mandate.
The message is: Pay more attention to the members.
Dave Deal sums up best the reasons the slate formed and what's next.
I have to say this whole experience was eye opening. I was not running for local office yet the Sue Mauren slate took it upon themselves to attack a dues paying member for voicing an opinion. They targeted myself and Brad Slawson Sr. of Teamsters Local 120 for no apparent reason.
My sites had to become moderated because of their profanity. They had a video made about me and according to them I'm a racist and a devil worshiper. You guys won the race, but you lost the respect you need to lead. Try to remember that the members hire you to represent them, unless you want a repeat 3 years from now.
Thank you Members for a Better Union slate for having the courage to run and thanks to all of you who supported them. The election is over and it's time to get back to the business of serving the members united as Teamsters.
I hope the Sue Mauren slate got the message. Out of about 9,800 eligible voters only about 2,300 bothered to vote and 36% went to the Members for a Better Union slate. I'd hardly call the result a mandate.
The message is: Pay more attention to the members.
Dave Deal sums up best the reasons the slate formed and what's next.
I have to say this whole experience was eye opening. I was not running for local office yet the Sue Mauren slate took it upon themselves to attack a dues paying member for voicing an opinion. They targeted myself and Brad Slawson Sr. of Teamsters Local 120 for no apparent reason.
My sites had to become moderated because of their profanity. They had a video made about me and according to them I'm a racist and a devil worshiper. You guys won the race, but you lost the respect you need to lead. Try to remember that the members hire you to represent them, unless you want a repeat 3 years from now.
Thank you Members for a Better Union slate for having the courage to run and thanks to all of you who supported them. The election is over and it's time to get back to the business of serving the members united as Teamsters.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Vote. Mail your ballots!
Members, you pay about $50 a month in dues. The amount of backing you get depends on who's on the 320 board.
Supporters of the current board have waged a war on me just for endorsing the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION slate.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I pay dues. I do not work for local 320. They are supposed to work for me (and you). Local 320 does not provide me with insurance or a pension. Hmm, I must then be paying them to provide a service. That service is to represent the members.
I have a right and obligation to vote in a board I think will best represent us.
Remember, elections are often decided by small amounts of votes.
Let your voice be heard. Mail your ballot.
Supporters of the current board have waged a war on me just for endorsing the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION slate.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I pay dues. I do not work for local 320. They are supposed to work for me (and you). Local 320 does not provide me with insurance or a pension. Hmm, I must then be paying them to provide a service. That service is to represent the members.
I have a right and obligation to vote in a board I think will best represent us.
Remember, elections are often decided by small amounts of votes.
Let your voice be heard. Mail your ballot.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Message from Brad Slawson. Sr.
From: Brad Slawson Sr Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 2:59 PMTo: ''; ''; ''Subject:
Recently you have received an e mail from local 320 business agent MERL KING about teamsters local 120 and the election at local 320. My name is BRAD SLAWSON SR and I am the secretary treasure and head officer of local 120. In MERL’S e mail he says that local 120 is trying to take over local 320 with this election at local 320. Meryl goes on to say that local 120 is broke and has lost thousands of members in the past. This e mail is a complete false hood. Local 120 has never had any conversation with any member OF LOCAL 320 about merging our two locals. Local 120 is the largest local in MINNESOTA, IOWA, NORTH DAKOTA, AND SOUTH DAKOTA with a very strong treasury. Local 120 has not or will be interested in any merger with local 320. Both locals are very large and should stand alone for their own membership. I cannot believe that MERL would stoop this low to spread these MALICIOUS lies and grand distortions about local 120. I can be reached at my office during business hours at 763 267 6100 for any member that wants’ to verify this e mail and its contents. Please feel free to distribute this e mail.
Recently you have received an e mail from local 320 business agent MERL KING about teamsters local 120 and the election at local 320. My name is BRAD SLAWSON SR and I am the secretary treasure and head officer of local 120. In MERL’S e mail he says that local 120 is trying to take over local 320 with this election at local 320. Meryl goes on to say that local 120 is broke and has lost thousands of members in the past. This e mail is a complete false hood. Local 120 has never had any conversation with any member OF LOCAL 320 about merging our two locals. Local 120 is the largest local in MINNESOTA, IOWA, NORTH DAKOTA, AND SOUTH DAKOTA with a very strong treasury. Local 120 has not or will be interested in any merger with local 320. Both locals are very large and should stand alone for their own membership. I cannot believe that MERL would stoop this low to spread these MALICIOUS lies and grand distortions about local 120. I can be reached at my office during business hours at 763 267 6100 for any member that wants’ to verify this e mail and its contents. Please feel free to distribute this e mail.
Why are comments now moderated?
As you know it's local 320 election time. There are some people who are angry because a group,
the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION SLATE is running against the current board. The current board is nervous because members have a choice. Rather then engage in intelligent conversation they have engaged in a campaign of lies, intimidation and slander. I will not allow them to use my sites as a platform. Honest disagreement, as always will be allowed.
They have launched a personal attack on me spamming my sites because I support Gergare rather then Hoffa in the IBT election and I support the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION SLATE.
They are spreading lies among members that those against the current board are really trying to let Teamsters Local 120 take over our local. Read business agent Merl King's email telling the lie. I've been told by members that most of the Sue Mauren slate is spreading this lie.
Teamsters Local 320 needs to remember we HIRE you as a represent us.
the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION SLATE is running against the current board. The current board is nervous because members have a choice. Rather then engage in intelligent conversation they have engaged in a campaign of lies, intimidation and slander. I will not allow them to use my sites as a platform. Honest disagreement, as always will be allowed.
They have launched a personal attack on me spamming my sites because I support Gergare rather then Hoffa in the IBT election and I support the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION SLATE.
They are spreading lies among members that those against the current board are really trying to let Teamsters Local 120 take over our local. Read business agent Merl King's email telling the lie. I've been told by members that most of the Sue Mauren slate is spreading this lie.
Teamsters Local 320 needs to remember we HIRE you as a represent us.
Teamsters Testimony at HCSO budget hearing
Thank you Henepin County Commisioners for the opportunity to testify. We have at least 3 allies on the board: Chairman Opat and Commisioners Stenglein and Mclaughlin. Please remember them this election day.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October Updates
We lost our contract arbitration. Sadly, the county couldn't even give us some non-monetary language considering we took a wage and step freeze. Negotiations begin anew this summer.
The Department of Labor told me that the County has until November 15th to pay out the back pay on the overtime augments. After that the regional director will take action.
The grievance filed after the Sheriff's Office changed the seniority list was denied at step 2 and will be moved to step 3.
We are preparing the arbitration for the 1.5% inconvenient work schedule grievance.
The Horobin case is in court. This is the case where the HCSO released Garrity protected information.
We, (our BA and I) will address the County Board at the HCSO budget hearings on October 28th. We encourage you to attend. Location 24th floor Government Center. 1-4 PM.
Ballots are out for the Teamsters Local 320 elections. I encourage you to support the Members for a Better Union slate.
The Department of Labor told me that the County has until November 15th to pay out the back pay on the overtime augments. After that the regional director will take action.
The grievance filed after the Sheriff's Office changed the seniority list was denied at step 2 and will be moved to step 3.
We are preparing the arbitration for the 1.5% inconvenient work schedule grievance.
The Horobin case is in court. This is the case where the HCSO released Garrity protected information.
We, (our BA and I) will address the County Board at the HCSO budget hearings on October 28th. We encourage you to attend. Location 24th floor Government Center. 1-4 PM.
Ballots are out for the Teamsters Local 320 elections. I encourage you to support the Members for a Better Union slate.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Delegate Announcement
I, Wade Laszlo, am formally announcing that I am seeking to be a delegate supporting the Fred Gergare and Brad Slawson, Sr. Slate in the upcoming 2011 IBT elections.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
VOTE- the ballots have been mailed
VOTE- You are the Union. You can effect change.
I support the Members For A Better Union Slate.
Read their Manifesto.
Then ask yourself:
Where was the board when we had the Vote of no Confidence in Sheriff Stanek?
Where was MNTLEL, where was the outcry, when the Stanek administration violated Detention Deputy Horobin's Garrity rights and released Garrity protected statements?
We took zero's for raises and for the first time step freezes....but we were forced to arbitrate, and lose, 3 NON-MONETARY ITEMS. Consider this, 4 of 7 of the County Board members are Teamsters' endorsed by DRIVE. The County could have agreed to any or all of our requests without costing them a dime if they had any fear of losing a DRIVE endorsement.
While most Teamsters took wage freezes and some groups took cuts many on the board increased their salaries!
It's time to vote in a new board that remembers that Teamsters are about strength and backing the members.
Vote for the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION SLATE. Please don't just throw away the ballot. You pay dues and have the right to vote. You deserve maximum backing for the dues you pay.
I support the Members For A Better Union Slate.
Read their Manifesto.
Then ask yourself:
Where was the board when we had the Vote of no Confidence in Sheriff Stanek?
Where was MNTLEL, where was the outcry, when the Stanek administration violated Detention Deputy Horobin's Garrity rights and released Garrity protected statements?
We took zero's for raises and for the first time step freezes....but we were forced to arbitrate, and lose, 3 NON-MONETARY ITEMS. Consider this, 4 of 7 of the County Board members are Teamsters' endorsed by DRIVE. The County could have agreed to any or all of our requests without costing them a dime if they had any fear of losing a DRIVE endorsement.
While most Teamsters took wage freezes and some groups took cuts many on the board increased their salaries!
It's time to vote in a new board that remembers that Teamsters are about strength and backing the members.
Vote for the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION SLATE. Please don't just throw away the ballot. You pay dues and have the right to vote. You deserve maximum backing for the dues you pay.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Apparently The Field Has Opened
There is now a real write in candidate Linda Lachner.

In addition of course, to our friend the Facebook Kitten!

In addition of course, to our friend the Facebook Kitten!
Teamsters Ballots are coming!
For the local 320 elections I endorse the MEMBERS FOR A BETTER UNION SLATE.
For the upcoming International Teamsters Election I endorse Fred Gerage and Brad Slawson, Sr.
Take the time to follow the links and please vote.
For the upcoming International Teamsters Election I endorse Fred Gerage and Brad Slawson, Sr.
Take the time to follow the links and please vote.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Vote for the Members for a Better Union Slate!
Local elections are coming up. It's time for a change in leadership.
Tired of arbitrations taking a year or more (if ever) to happen?
Tired of wage freezes while union leadership gets raises?
I endorse the Members for a Better Union Slate!
Tired of arbitrations taking a year or more (if ever) to happen?
Tired of wage freezes while union leadership gets raises?
I endorse the Members for a Better Union Slate!
Monday, October 04, 2010
Propaganda in Shooting Straight
This week's Shooting Straight with Sheriff Stanek, is commenting about the budget woes the Sheriff's Office is facing. Including a 2% cut in revenue from property taxes. All well and good until he says, "In addition we must absorb an additional $1.3 million in 2011 for increases in health care costs, step increases and pensions."
Really? Health Care costs did not increase because the County went self insured, no labor groups are receiving step increases or cost of living raises for that matter and there has been no increase to the pension contributions.
Sheriff Stanek's use as propaganda the cost of our non-existent step increases as a cost he must absorb is not only bullshit, but insulting to those of us whose wages and steps were frozen.
It's pretty ballsy to publish in Shooting Straight this outright lie for all of us to see who are taking a wage freeze and step freezes.
I clicked on the email button on his Shooting Straight page where he says he's interested in our comments to ask him about this. It led to a blank page. So I typed the email address into my work email and tried again to ask him about this (forwarding a copy home). This email to the Sheriff also bounced!
I'd say this is more of a Shooting Crooked then Straight. I'd call this propaganda. Why else would he say he had budget costs to absorb that don't exist?
Really? Health Care costs did not increase because the County went self insured, no labor groups are receiving step increases or cost of living raises for that matter and there has been no increase to the pension contributions.
Sheriff Stanek's use as propaganda the cost of our non-existent step increases as a cost he must absorb is not only bullshit, but insulting to those of us whose wages and steps were frozen.
It's pretty ballsy to publish in Shooting Straight this outright lie for all of us to see who are taking a wage freeze and step freezes.
I clicked on the email button on his Shooting Straight page where he says he's interested in our comments to ask him about this. It led to a blank page. So I typed the email address into my work email and tried again to ask him about this (forwarding a copy home). This email to the Sheriff also bounced!
I'd say this is more of a Shooting Crooked then Straight. I'd call this propaganda. Why else would he say he had budget costs to absorb that don't exist?
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Public Employees Shouldn't Be Second Class Teamsters
Updated On: Sep 21, 2010 (19:05:00)
Being out of touch with everyday Teamsters is one thing. Not knowing they exist is another.
After more than a decade in office, James Phillip Hoffa doesn’t seem to realize that there are nearly 250,000 members in the Public Services Division. He recently stated:
“We’ve organized thousands of people. County employees in Florida. People you wouldn’t think we’d organize.”
Why wouldn’t we?
Unlike many people who have been organized during Hoffa’s administration, public employees have stable, good paying jobs. Plus, the public sector is a Teamster stronghold with contracts that need to be strengthened and protected.
Not only does James Phillip Hoffa deem public employees unworthy of organizing, he thinks that assigning a single IBT representative for a quarter of a million members is fair.
Not Fred. He’ll stop treating public employees like second class Teamsters and build a Public Services Division that will provide them with the representation they deserve.
Being out of touch with everyday Teamsters is one thing. Not knowing they exist is another.
After more than a decade in office, James Phillip Hoffa doesn’t seem to realize that there are nearly 250,000 members in the Public Services Division. He recently stated:
“We’ve organized thousands of people. County employees in Florida. People you wouldn’t think we’d organize.”
Why wouldn’t we?
Unlike many people who have been organized during Hoffa’s administration, public employees have stable, good paying jobs. Plus, the public sector is a Teamster stronghold with contracts that need to be strengthened and protected.
Not only does James Phillip Hoffa deem public employees unworthy of organizing, he thinks that assigning a single IBT representative for a quarter of a million members is fair.
Not Fred. He’ll stop treating public employees like second class Teamsters and build a Public Services Division that will provide them with the representation they deserve.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Is this fair?
The new licensed class COUNTS as of November 12th. Yet they have them on 5/2 through the beginning of December. Yes, the lowest in seniority will have every weekend off and the Thanksgiving and Day After Thanksgiving Holiday. Despite the fact some of you haven't been able to get a weekend or Holiday off for more than a year!
I emailed the middle shift scheduling sergeant and asked him to "correct this." His answer was no.
I just sent the following email to jail Captain W.:
Captain W.,
The new class counts on the schedule as of Nov. 12th. They are on a 5/2 schedule through the beginning of December even though it is not necessary. As you know one of the biggest complaints with the 28 schedule is the inability to get weekends and Holidays off. This is an opportunity to boost morale amongst the more senior staff who put in for weekends off and the November Holidays and were denied. Simply place the new class on the remaining weekends and Thanksgiving Holidays and allow people off with more seniority who asked for it.
Wade Laszlo
Chief Steward Teamsters Local 320
The ball is in their court. They have an opportunity to make life a little easier for some of you. They have certainly have had no trouble moving your choices to force you to work a weekend.
I emailed the middle shift scheduling sergeant and asked him to "correct this." His answer was no.
I just sent the following email to jail Captain W.:
Captain W.,
The new class counts on the schedule as of Nov. 12th. They are on a 5/2 schedule through the beginning of December even though it is not necessary. As you know one of the biggest complaints with the 28 schedule is the inability to get weekends and Holidays off. This is an opportunity to boost morale amongst the more senior staff who put in for weekends off and the November Holidays and were denied. Simply place the new class on the remaining weekends and Thanksgiving Holidays and allow people off with more seniority who asked for it.
Wade Laszlo
Chief Steward Teamsters Local 320
The ball is in their court. They have an opportunity to make life a little easier for some of you. They have certainly have had no trouble moving your choices to force you to work a weekend.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Survey, Double your pension!!
Today you should have received a Minnesota Teamsters Correctional Officer Legislative Priorities Survey.
Please send in the survey!!
I recommend marking #4 Licensure as lowest priority. This will only guarantee more training at this time and no more money. Licensure is better saved for a stronger economy.
IMPORTANT: Under #5 any other issues write:
Merge the Corrections pension with the Police and Fire pension. The merger would bolster the flailing Police & Fire pension, giving their current members more security. This would not likely be opposed by the Counties as they would save approximately 5% of their wage/benefit budget by not having to pay in Social Security Taxes on our wages. Staff would see an increase in net pay based on this same reduction in taxes. Staff would also have a better retirement benefit.
This is a rare opportunity to make your voice heard loud and clear. You are MNTLEL!
Please send in the survey!!
I recommend marking #4 Licensure as lowest priority. This will only guarantee more training at this time and no more money. Licensure is better saved for a stronger economy.
IMPORTANT: Under #5 any other issues write:
Merge the Corrections pension with the Police and Fire pension. The merger would bolster the flailing Police & Fire pension, giving their current members more security. This would not likely be opposed by the Counties as they would save approximately 5% of their wage/benefit budget by not having to pay in Social Security Taxes on our wages. Staff would see an increase in net pay based on this same reduction in taxes. Staff would also have a better retirement benefit.
This is a rare opportunity to make your voice heard loud and clear. You are MNTLEL!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Harsh Realities
Dear members,
As you know we had contract arbitration on September 9th.
Several of you are under the impression we did not fight for step raises. We did in fact and our initial proposal was for a 2% and 2% cost of living raise, not a freeze.
By the time we hit mediation and certified our items for arbitration AFSCME and the University of Minnesota had already accepted no Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase and a step freeze for 2011 setting the pattern. In addition everyone else who did take it to arbitration lost.
Arbitration awards become case law and precedent setting. It would have been impossible to win. As seen by the HCSDA’s arbitration loss just last week.
If Teamsters Local 320 would have fought the step freeze in arbitration and lost, as the licensed deputies did, (and we would have lost) it would have set the pattern for ALL future negotiations and the County would have had an award against us. This would have affected all future negotiations with “case law” on their side every single time they wanted to freeze steps in future contracts. The contract only guarantees starting and top pay.
I’ll give an example. A few years ago both us and the HCSDA tried to get paid parking in the contract. The HCSDA against our request, took it to arbitration and lost. As a result no one in Hennepin County will ever get it and Ramsey County was able to use that arbitrators decision to take away paid parking from their employees within 6 months of that decision.
We only certified what we thought we had a chance of winning. Sometimes you have to fight another day.
There is the sentiment among some that the people at the top were not caring about the less senior members. This is simply not true. The fact is an arbitrator cannot award money if the County can show they don’t have it. The state of Minnesota has not only shorted Hennepin County of $32 million for 2011 but the County board is not raising taxes on Hennepin County’s citizens. To arbitrate a COLA or steps for 2011 would have been a precedent setting guaranteed loss affecting us for years to come. The fact is that senior members at top pay have endured a hard freeze for 4 of the last six years while less senior members got step raises. We even gave up a 1.5% raise two contracts ago to avoid step freezes for those at the bottom. This was not an option this time. Bottom line is Hennepin County has no money.
What are we doing?
Teamsters Local 320 will be at the budget hearing for the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office on October 28th, 2010. The action we can take now is at the County Board level and in future negotiations.
These tough times have been hard on all of us and we are in the same boat. We are doing what we can for you with an eye to the future.
In solidarity,
Wade Laszlo
Chief Steward
As you know we had contract arbitration on September 9th.
Several of you are under the impression we did not fight for step raises. We did in fact and our initial proposal was for a 2% and 2% cost of living raise, not a freeze.
By the time we hit mediation and certified our items for arbitration AFSCME and the University of Minnesota had already accepted no Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase and a step freeze for 2011 setting the pattern. In addition everyone else who did take it to arbitration lost.
Arbitration awards become case law and precedent setting. It would have been impossible to win. As seen by the HCSDA’s arbitration loss just last week.
If Teamsters Local 320 would have fought the step freeze in arbitration and lost, as the licensed deputies did, (and we would have lost) it would have set the pattern for ALL future negotiations and the County would have had an award against us. This would have affected all future negotiations with “case law” on their side every single time they wanted to freeze steps in future contracts. The contract only guarantees starting and top pay.
I’ll give an example. A few years ago both us and the HCSDA tried to get paid parking in the contract. The HCSDA against our request, took it to arbitration and lost. As a result no one in Hennepin County will ever get it and Ramsey County was able to use that arbitrators decision to take away paid parking from their employees within 6 months of that decision.
We only certified what we thought we had a chance of winning. Sometimes you have to fight another day.
There is the sentiment among some that the people at the top were not caring about the less senior members. This is simply not true. The fact is an arbitrator cannot award money if the County can show they don’t have it. The state of Minnesota has not only shorted Hennepin County of $32 million for 2011 but the County board is not raising taxes on Hennepin County’s citizens. To arbitrate a COLA or steps for 2011 would have been a precedent setting guaranteed loss affecting us for years to come. The fact is that senior members at top pay have endured a hard freeze for 4 of the last six years while less senior members got step raises. We even gave up a 1.5% raise two contracts ago to avoid step freezes for those at the bottom. This was not an option this time. Bottom line is Hennepin County has no money.
What are we doing?
Teamsters Local 320 will be at the budget hearing for the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office on October 28th, 2010. The action we can take now is at the County Board level and in future negotiations.
These tough times have been hard on all of us and we are in the same boat. We are doing what we can for you with an eye to the future.
In solidarity,
Wade Laszlo
Chief Steward
Aribitration Update
Yesterday, September 9th, we held contract arbitration. I think the hearing went well. The lawyers for both sides have two weeks to submit their briefs. We should have a decision no later then October 24th.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Your Rights
Subdivision 1.Definitions.(a) For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given them.
(b) "Correctional officer" and "officer" mean a person employed by the state, a state correctional facility, or a local correctional or detention facility in a security capacity.
(c) "Formal statement" means the questioning of an officer in the course of obtaining a recorded, stenographic, or signed statement to be used as evidence in a disciplinary proceeding against the officer.
Subd. 2.Applicability.The procedures and provisions of this section apply to state and local correctional authorities.
Subd. 3.Governing formal statement procedures.The formal statement of an officer must be taken according to subdivision 4.
Subd. 4.Place of formal statement.The formal statement must be taken at a facility of the employing or investigating agency or at a place agreed to by the investigating individual and the investigated officer.
Subd. 5.Admissions.Before an officer's formal statement is taken, the officer shall be advised in writing or on the record that admissions made in the course of the formal statement may be used as evidence of misconduct or as a basis for discipline.
Subd. 6.Disclosure of financial records.No employer may require an officer to produce or disclose the officer's personal financial records except pursuant to a valid search warrant or subpoena.
Subd. 7.Release of photographs.No state or local correctional facility or governmental unit may publicly release photographs of an officer without the written permission of the officer, except that the facility or unit may display a photograph of an officer to a prospective witness as part of an agency or unit investigation.
Subd. 8.Disciplinary letter.No disciplinary letter or reprimand may be included in an officer's personnel record unless the officer has been given a copy of the letter or reprimand.
Subd. 9.Retaliatory action prohibited.No officer may be discharged, disciplined, or threatened with discharge or discipline as retaliation for or solely by reason of the officer's exercise of the rights provided by this section.
Subd. 10.Rights not reduced.The rights of officers provided by this section are in addition to and do not diminish the rights and privileges of officers that are provided under an applicable collective bargaining agreement or any other applicable law.
History: 2005 c 136 art 13 s 3
Subdivision 1.Definitions.(a) For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given them.
(b) "Correctional officer" and "officer" mean a person employed by the state, a state correctional facility, or a local correctional or detention facility in a security capacity.
(c) "Formal statement" means the questioning of an officer in the course of obtaining a recorded, stenographic, or signed statement to be used as evidence in a disciplinary proceeding against the officer.
Subd. 2.Applicability.The procedures and provisions of this section apply to state and local correctional authorities.
Subd. 3.Governing formal statement procedures.The formal statement of an officer must be taken according to subdivision 4.
Subd. 4.Place of formal statement.The formal statement must be taken at a facility of the employing or investigating agency or at a place agreed to by the investigating individual and the investigated officer.
Subd. 5.Admissions.Before an officer's formal statement is taken, the officer shall be advised in writing or on the record that admissions made in the course of the formal statement may be used as evidence of misconduct or as a basis for discipline.
Subd. 6.Disclosure of financial records.No employer may require an officer to produce or disclose the officer's personal financial records except pursuant to a valid search warrant or subpoena.
Subd. 7.Release of photographs.No state or local correctional facility or governmental unit may publicly release photographs of an officer without the written permission of the officer, except that the facility or unit may display a photograph of an officer to a prospective witness as part of an agency or unit investigation.
Subd. 8.Disciplinary letter.No disciplinary letter or reprimand may be included in an officer's personnel record unless the officer has been given a copy of the letter or reprimand.
Subd. 9.Retaliatory action prohibited.No officer may be discharged, disciplined, or threatened with discharge or discipline as retaliation for or solely by reason of the officer's exercise of the rights provided by this section.
Subd. 10.Rights not reduced.The rights of officers provided by this section are in addition to and do not diminish the rights and privileges of officers that are provided under an applicable collective bargaining agreement or any other applicable law.
History: 2005 c 136 art 13 s 3
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Pushing Ahead
I will have forms available soon for you to add to your MNTLEL survey when it comes out. Fill out the forms and add it to the envelope. Let's have a united front and turn them in together!
*Show MNTLEL we want a merge of our pension with Police and Fire. This doubles our pension, gives Police and Fire money, saves the County money and gives us a raise because we will no longer have to pay Social Security.
*We want a seat on the PERA Board to monitor our pension.
*We want the Corrections Bill of Rights to have teeth.
Licensure may be nice, but guarantees nothing except more training, the Pension is long term.
What did they gain? Nothing.
Fact: According to the County Attorney's Office with the stroke of his pen Sheriff Stanek can restore the 1.5% inconvenient work schedule pay as he promised when we switched to the 28 day schedule. Instead they and us are having to arbitrate! HCSDA what have you gained? He can now say Labor Endorsed. Please tell me what he has done for Labor? Licensed staff has been hurt just as bad by the 28 day schedule, a little solidarity would have been huge. While you didn't have to go the lengths us Teamsters did and VOTE NO CONFIDENCE, you had the power not to endorse.
*Show MNTLEL we want a merge of our pension with Police and Fire. This doubles our pension, gives Police and Fire money, saves the County money and gives us a raise because we will no longer have to pay Social Security.
*We want a seat on the PERA Board to monitor our pension.
*We want the Corrections Bill of Rights to have teeth.
Licensure may be nice, but guarantees nothing except more training, the Pension is long term.
What did they gain? Nothing.
Fact: According to the County Attorney's Office with the stroke of his pen Sheriff Stanek can restore the 1.5% inconvenient work schedule pay as he promised when we switched to the 28 day schedule. Instead they and us are having to arbitrate! HCSDA what have you gained? He can now say Labor Endorsed. Please tell me what he has done for Labor? Licensed staff has been hurt just as bad by the 28 day schedule, a little solidarity would have been huge. While you didn't have to go the lengths us Teamsters did and VOTE NO CONFIDENCE, you had the power not to endorse.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Survey and Priorities
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Teamsters MNTLEL will be sending out a survey regarding MNTLEL priorities. I recommend that you check 'other' on the survey and mark down PENSION as number one.
There are several of us that are working to merge our pension with Police and Fire. This will double your benefit, save the county money by eliminating payments to Social Security and give you a raise in the amount you currently pay to Social Security. It's been 10 years since our BA Tom Perkins worked to get our correctional pension. It's time for equality with our other MNTLEL brethren.
Remember, YOU are the Union, take advantage of this survey.
Reminder: Contract Arbitration is set for September 9th.
Wade Laszlo
Chief Steward
Teamsters MNTLEL will be sending out a survey regarding MNTLEL priorities. I recommend that you check 'other' on the survey and mark down PENSION as number one.
There are several of us that are working to merge our pension with Police and Fire. This will double your benefit, save the county money by eliminating payments to Social Security and give you a raise in the amount you currently pay to Social Security. It's been 10 years since our BA Tom Perkins worked to get our correctional pension. It's time for equality with our other MNTLEL brethren.
Remember, YOU are the Union, take advantage of this survey.
Reminder: Contract Arbitration is set for September 9th.
Wade Laszlo
Chief Steward
Update backpay
Teamsters Local 320 members no longer will have to submit an individual request to get their overtime back pay, we now have blanket coverage.
I believe Detention Tech Dave Bentzen deserves a pat on the back for discovering this and pursuing it so relentlessly!
I believe Detention Tech Dave Bentzen deserves a pat on the back for discovering this and pursuing it so relentlessly!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The record straight on overtime backpay!
The Jail Inspector has posted a special order regarding the overtime we were all shorted the past few years. She says Hennepin County Human Resources is working on it if you already submitted a request.
She goes on to say that,"the Sheriff's Licensed Deputy union has made a blanket request of the Human Resources department to research overtime pay for it's membership--no further correspondence from its membership is necessary."
Here's a copy of an email I sent to the Jail Inspector and the contact from Hennepin County Human Resources payroll:
Thanks for the 'Special Order' regarding backpay. Inspector Martin you point out that the licensed deputies have a 'blanket' request. Is there a reason all Teamster 320 members have to continue to ask for this individually? Mr. Oleness in an email to you on 7/26 I asked this same question about blanket coverage. Can you just extend this blanket request to all of us. After all this is the result of a Teamster Detention Tech filing a class action grievance then being referred to the Department of Labor by our Teamsters business agent.
Wade Laszlo
Chief Steward Teamsters Local 320
Am I to deduce a similar request made by Teamsters doesn't count? Hey, we told the licensed association about this.
The credit goes to Dave Bentzen and our business agent Tom Perkins.
The shame goes to Hennepin County. You knew the pay was wrong when you switched to APEX last October.
Should we trust you to figure it out for us?
You avoided all of our inquires when APEX came about. If you know the pay is owed why do licensed deputies get it handed to them but Teamsters must ask individually?
Just another reason Teamsters Union members voted no confidence in Sheriff Stanek!
She goes on to say that,"the Sheriff's Licensed Deputy union has made a blanket request of the Human Resources department to research overtime pay for it's membership--no further correspondence from its membership is necessary."
Here's a copy of an email I sent to the Jail Inspector and the contact from Hennepin County Human Resources payroll:
Thanks for the 'Special Order' regarding backpay. Inspector Martin you point out that the licensed deputies have a 'blanket' request. Is there a reason all Teamster 320 members have to continue to ask for this individually? Mr. Oleness in an email to you on 7/26 I asked this same question about blanket coverage. Can you just extend this blanket request to all of us. After all this is the result of a Teamster Detention Tech filing a class action grievance then being referred to the Department of Labor by our Teamsters business agent.
Wade Laszlo
Chief Steward Teamsters Local 320
Am I to deduce a similar request made by Teamsters doesn't count? Hey, we told the licensed association about this.
The credit goes to Dave Bentzen and our business agent Tom Perkins.
The shame goes to Hennepin County. You knew the pay was wrong when you switched to APEX last October.
Should we trust you to figure it out for us?
You avoided all of our inquires when APEX came about. If you know the pay is owed why do licensed deputies get it handed to them but Teamsters must ask individually?
Just another reason Teamsters Union members voted no confidence in Sheriff Stanek!
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Top local Teamster splits with Hoffa
Longtime Twin Cities labor leader Tom Keegel dropped out of the union's leadership campaign after running three times as Hoffa's No. 2 man. Star Tribune
Full Story
Tom Keegel is a man that has been our friend for years. He also personally blocked Sheriff Stanek's attempt for a Teamsters endorsement in 2006.
Tom Keegel's Career
Tom Keegel's Retirement Letter
Full Story
Tom Keegel is a man that has been our friend for years. He also personally blocked Sheriff Stanek's attempt for a Teamsters endorsement in 2006.
Tom Keegel's Career
Tom Keegel's Retirement Letter
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
You May Be Owed Back Pay
A while ago Detention Tech Dave B. filed a class action grievance regarding incorrect overtime calculations. As many of us learned first hand contacting Sheriff's Office payroll and County payroll was useless. We all remember the rude responses since APEX. So Dave B. filed a grievance. The Sheriff's Office and County denied it so our BA Tom Perkins sent Dave to the Department of Labor informed him about the procedure and who to contact. Dave is now getting backpay and you can too.
You need to add up all of your overtime from July 1, 2008 to October 10, 2009 (APEX inception).
The following info came from Dave B.:
If you feel your overtime was not correctly figured or paid to you and afte rCounty payroll did not help, you should contact Investigator Ferris or the DOLWage & Hour Division Office for assistance.
V. Ferris InvestigatorUS D.O.L.Wage & Hour Division
Minneapolis, MN612-370-3341 office reception / 612-370-3377 direct line
Dave has a table on the EGROUP. The time table starts at Jul 2008 to Oct 2009 (APEX started) to figure what is backpay owed. The longer anyone waits to request their backpay the less they may be getting. You would need to contact SH.PAYROLL to request any backpay.
The long and short is run your OT, especially if you get Stability Pay, all of that and weekend and night differentials are to be calculated into overtime. APEX does that so you are owed pre-APEX. This is money owed you!
You need to add up all of your overtime from July 1, 2008 to October 10, 2009 (APEX inception).
The following info came from Dave B.:
If you feel your overtime was not correctly figured or paid to you and afte rCounty payroll did not help, you should contact Investigator Ferris or the DOLWage & Hour Division Office for assistance.
V. Ferris InvestigatorUS D.O.L.Wage & Hour Division
Minneapolis, MN612-370-3341 office reception / 612-370-3377 direct line
Dave has a table on the EGROUP. The time table starts at Jul 2008 to Oct 2009 (APEX started) to figure what is backpay owed. The longer anyone waits to request their backpay the less they may be getting. You would need to contact SH.PAYROLL to request any backpay.
The long and short is run your OT, especially if you get Stability Pay, all of that and weekend and night differentials are to be calculated into overtime. APEX does that so you are owed pre-APEX. This is money owed you!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Take a math class Star Tribune!
Maybe someone can interpret this for me:
Star Tribune reporter Matt McKinney is reporting:
15 homicides aside, serious crime drops on North Side
Violent crime is still up on the North Side, but serious crime as a whole has fallen 3 percent there. Star Tribune
The article goes on to say:
The overall trend for violent crime -- rape, murder, robbery and aggravated assault -- shows a 10.2 percent increase in the Fourth Precinct, the name the police use for the North Side. But the area has seen sharp drops in burglary (down 21 percent), arson (down 37 percent) and rape (down 19 percent), and smaller numbers in those categories mean a drop in the total count of Part 1 crimes.
So if I read this correctly, homicides are up, rape, murder, robbery and aggravated assault -- shows a 10.2 percent increase in the Fourth Precinct but burglaries and rapes are down? Yes, rape is up and down.
I don't think I'll be moving there anytime soon! Especially since the fourth precinct had another homicide since this story came out.
Oh and Matt McKinney is the reporter who never ran our No Confidence Vote.
Star Tribune reporter Matt McKinney is reporting:
15 homicides aside, serious crime drops on North Side
Violent crime is still up on the North Side, but serious crime as a whole has fallen 3 percent there. Star Tribune
The article goes on to say:
The overall trend for violent crime -- rape, murder, robbery and aggravated assault -- shows a 10.2 percent increase in the Fourth Precinct, the name the police use for the North Side. But the area has seen sharp drops in burglary (down 21 percent), arson (down 37 percent) and rape (down 19 percent), and smaller numbers in those categories mean a drop in the total count of Part 1 crimes.
So if I read this correctly, homicides are up, rape, murder, robbery and aggravated assault -- shows a 10.2 percent increase in the Fourth Precinct but burglaries and rapes are down? Yes, rape is up and down.
I don't think I'll be moving there anytime soon! Especially since the fourth precinct had another homicide since this story came out.
Oh and Matt McKinney is the reporter who never ran our No Confidence Vote.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Nurses Settle: The Power of a Strike
The MNA and Twin Cities hospitals have reached an agreement.
The union also posted a statement to members on its website, saying “all the hospitals’ takebacks and concessions are GONE, the pension is untouched and all the benefits of your current contract (including MNA Health Insurance, etc.) remain in place as they always have been. In essence your entire contract has been completely protected and preserved. We will be having an all-member vote early next week (probably July 6 or 7) to officially ratify the contract.”
The union also agreed to drop a series of unfair-labor practice charges that it had filed against the hospitals during the contentious negotiations, Schriner said. (Full story Star Tribune)
The power of the strike is awesome. The very threat (with the will to follow through) can result in contract settlements. The right to strike is labor's backbone.
Our own Teamsters Local 320 had a strike against Hennepin County in 1981 that resulted in much of what we have today.
The union also posted a statement to members on its website, saying “all the hospitals’ takebacks and concessions are GONE, the pension is untouched and all the benefits of your current contract (including MNA Health Insurance, etc.) remain in place as they always have been. In essence your entire contract has been completely protected and preserved. We will be having an all-member vote early next week (probably July 6 or 7) to officially ratify the contract.”
The union also agreed to drop a series of unfair-labor practice charges that it had filed against the hospitals during the contentious negotiations, Schriner said. (Full story Star Tribune)
The power of the strike is awesome. The very threat (with the will to follow through) can result in contract settlements. The right to strike is labor's backbone.
Our own Teamsters Local 320 had a strike against Hennepin County in 1981 that resulted in much of what we have today.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
June Update
The grievance I filed regarding changing into uniforms on the clock has been denied again. The county is citing the FLSA and says because the Waseca decision was based on FLSA not our contract they are under no obligation to go to arbitration.
Compare this to a recent Department of Labor ruling: DOL Reverses Its Position On Donning And Doffing "Protective Equipment" In Union Setting June 18, 2010 11:49, and IBP v. Alvarez, 126 S.Ct. 514 (2005). This should prove interesting.
This has been returned to Teamsters Local 320 for further action. Probably court. Several other metro area jails have done the same thing.
Dave B. has filed a grievance on behalf of the techs regarding the rate their overtime is calculated (they fall under FLSA for OT). This is going to step 2.
The state still has not given us a date for our contract arbitration.
Compare this to a recent Department of Labor ruling: DOL Reverses Its Position On Donning And Doffing "Protective Equipment" In Union Setting June 18, 2010 11:49, and IBP v. Alvarez, 126 S.Ct. 514 (2005). This should prove interesting.
This has been returned to Teamsters Local 320 for further action. Probably court. Several other metro area jails have done the same thing.
Dave B. has filed a grievance on behalf of the techs regarding the rate their overtime is calculated (they fall under FLSA for OT). This is going to step 2.
The state still has not given us a date for our contract arbitration.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Fact or Fiction?

The Star Tribune has an excellent article about the now defunct Gang Strike Task Force.
There's enough sludge to chew on for a while, but one of the more interesting segments deals with the information or misinformation, coming from the HCSO:
Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek, who with Campion backed the inquiries that brought the Strike Force down, says his department did not rely on the unit, "and now that they are gone, we do not miss them."
Stanek created a countywide antigang strategy with assistance from suburban police. He said violent crime in the county is down 29 percent.
Really? But wait in the same article:
In Minneapolis, though, homicides rose from four last year at this time to 21 so far this year. While violent crime is up over last year, it is "well within the average range for the past five years," said Deputy Police Chief Rob Allen. The increase still is unacceptable, he said, and the city is working hard to reduce it.
Which part is fact and which part is fiction?
Seriously, either violent crime is down or it's up. Or perhaps Minneapolis is no longer part of Hennepin County.
I know the administration reads this blog, please post on it and back up the claim.
There's enough sludge to chew on for a while, but one of the more interesting segments deals with the information or misinformation, coming from the HCSO:
Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek, who with Campion backed the inquiries that brought the Strike Force down, says his department did not rely on the unit, "and now that they are gone, we do not miss them."
Stanek created a countywide antigang strategy with assistance from suburban police. He said violent crime in the county is down 29 percent.
Really? But wait in the same article:
In Minneapolis, though, homicides rose from four last year at this time to 21 so far this year. While violent crime is up over last year, it is "well within the average range for the past five years," said Deputy Police Chief Rob Allen. The increase still is unacceptable, he said, and the city is working hard to reduce it.
Which part is fact and which part is fiction?
Seriously, either violent crime is down or it's up. Or perhaps Minneapolis is no longer part of Hennepin County.
I know the administration reads this blog, please post on it and back up the claim.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Labor Movements' hypocrisy
As all of you know I'm pro-labor. The labor movement is big, millions and millions of men and women. Big enough that there is always going to be differences of political opinion. That's all well and good. But when large unions with millions of members dollars play both sides of the fence, then this Teamster has something to say.
Two big players in the Change to Win Coalition are the Teamsters and the SEIU.
Workday Minnesota is reporting the story:UFCW, SEIU lead suit against Arizona immigration law. The UFCW and SEIU are pro-illegal immigration and pro-NAFTA.
On the other hand the Teamsters Rally to Keep Border Closed and Teamsters Oppose Trade Deal That Sells Out American Workers. The Teamsters are against NAFTA, especially the trucking laws allowing Mexican trucks on US highways.
The SEIU even protested our Teamsters shop, the Hennepin County jail recently because we hold illegal aliens for ICE. Imagine that, one Change to Win organization protesting another for doing their job!
So I'll discuss the elephant in organized labor's room. On the one hand we have the Teamsters wanting out of NAFTA and secure borders and on the other hand the SEIU wanting open borders and bleeding US jobs.
How can Change to Win simultaneously hold these two views. On the one hand secure borders and jobs and on the other not only supporting NAFTA but even allowing workers to illegally enter the US and take jobs from US workers.
Well, which is it? Is this about internationalism or U.S. jobs? Put me down for U.S. jobs.
Two big players in the Change to Win Coalition are the Teamsters and the SEIU.
Workday Minnesota is reporting the story:UFCW, SEIU lead suit against Arizona immigration law. The UFCW and SEIU are pro-illegal immigration and pro-NAFTA.
On the other hand the Teamsters Rally to Keep Border Closed and Teamsters Oppose Trade Deal That Sells Out American Workers. The Teamsters are against NAFTA, especially the trucking laws allowing Mexican trucks on US highways.
The SEIU even protested our Teamsters shop, the Hennepin County jail recently because we hold illegal aliens for ICE. Imagine that, one Change to Win organization protesting another for doing their job!
So I'll discuss the elephant in organized labor's room. On the one hand we have the Teamsters wanting out of NAFTA and secure borders and on the other hand the SEIU wanting open borders and bleeding US jobs.
How can Change to Win simultaneously hold these two views. On the one hand secure borders and jobs and on the other not only supporting NAFTA but even allowing workers to illegally enter the US and take jobs from US workers.
Well, which is it? Is this about internationalism or U.S. jobs? Put me down for U.S. jobs.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Good bye Fares
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Mike Nifong
Who is Mike Nifong?
Michael Byron Nifong (born September 14, 1950) is a disbarred North Carolina attorney.[2] He was district attorney for Durham County, North Carolina (the state's 14th Prosecutorial District), but was removed and disbarred due to his misconduct in the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case.[3] Observers consider several criminal justice bills passed by the North Carolina legislature later that same year to have been influenced by Nifong's actions in the Duke lacrosse case.[4] (Wikipedia)
Why am I posting this?
Last Friday a Kastigar hearing took place in Ramsey County because of violated rights of one of our members. A Kastigar or taint hearing takes place to determine if 5th Amendment (aka Garrity) protected material was used to wrongfully prosecute someone. This was a closed hearing and I can say nothing more then it took place.
Some should be fearful, some should be happy soon.
But, hey this has come from the HCSO before. Read here.
Michael Byron Nifong (born September 14, 1950) is a disbarred North Carolina attorney.[2] He was district attorney for Durham County, North Carolina (the state's 14th Prosecutorial District), but was removed and disbarred due to his misconduct in the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case.[3] Observers consider several criminal justice bills passed by the North Carolina legislature later that same year to have been influenced by Nifong's actions in the Duke lacrosse case.[4] (Wikipedia)
Why am I posting this?
Last Friday a Kastigar hearing took place in Ramsey County because of violated rights of one of our members. A Kastigar or taint hearing takes place to determine if 5th Amendment (aka Garrity) protected material was used to wrongfully prosecute someone. This was a closed hearing and I can say nothing more then it took place.
Some should be fearful, some should be happy soon.
But, hey this has come from the HCSO before. Read here.
Monday, May 24, 2010
2010 DRIVE endoresments
Why is a DRIVE endorsement important? Because DRIVE endorses politicians that are pro-labor. These are people who support our pension and other legislative efforts. You may not like a particular candidate's point of view on everything but these folks have passed the pro-labor litmus test. It's also important who's NOT endorsed.
2010 DRIVE Endorsements – MINNESOTA
U.S. Congress
1 Tim Walz
3 Jim Meffert
4 Betty McCollum
5 Keith Ellison
6 Tarryl Clark
7 Collin Peterson
8 James Oberstar
Mark Dayton
Secretary of State
Mark Ritchie
State Auditor
Rebecca Otto
Attorney General
Lori Swanson
State Senate
5 David Tomassoni
9 Keith Langseth
17 Rick Olseen
37 Mark Germain
39 James Metzen
43 Terri Bonoff
49 Paul Meunier
59 Lawrence Pogemiller
64 Richard Cohen
State House of Representatives
3B Loren Solberg
26B Patti Fritz
46A Mike Nelson
49B Jerry Newton
58A Joe Mullery
62A Jim Davnie
65A Jeremiah Ellis
67B Sheldon Johnson
Anoka County
4 Jim Kordiak
James Stuart
Hennepin County
Mike Freeman
2 Mark Stenglein
Ramsey County
John Choi
District 5
Rafael Ortega
Bob Fletcher
Brooklyn Center
Tim Willson
City Council
Marvin Koppen
2010 DRIVE Endorsements – MINNESOTA
U.S. Congress
1 Tim Walz
3 Jim Meffert
4 Betty McCollum
5 Keith Ellison
6 Tarryl Clark
7 Collin Peterson
8 James Oberstar
Mark Dayton
Secretary of State
Mark Ritchie
State Auditor
Rebecca Otto
Attorney General
Lori Swanson
State Senate
5 David Tomassoni
9 Keith Langseth
17 Rick Olseen
37 Mark Germain
39 James Metzen
43 Terri Bonoff
49 Paul Meunier
59 Lawrence Pogemiller
64 Richard Cohen
State House of Representatives
3B Loren Solberg
26B Patti Fritz
46A Mike Nelson
49B Jerry Newton
58A Joe Mullery
62A Jim Davnie
65A Jeremiah Ellis
67B Sheldon Johnson
Anoka County
4 Jim Kordiak
James Stuart
Hennepin County
Mike Freeman
2 Mark Stenglein
Ramsey County
John Choi
District 5
Rafael Ortega
Bob Fletcher
Brooklyn Center
Tim Willson
City Council
Marvin Koppen
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Seriously sick of this misinformation crap
The Star Tribune is falsely reporting: A witness in two murder cases was beaten up by the man he implicated when the two were inadvertently put in the same holding cell at the Hennepin County jail, according to charges filed Thursday.
I'm sick to death of the jail getting blamed for other divisions screw ups. These inmates were put together not in the jail, but in the holding cells at court. The article goes on to say, The witness was not seriously hurt, said Lisa Kiava, a spokeswoman for the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office.
Isn't Lisa Kiava supposed to provide facts? How about telling the press where the assault actually occurred?
Of course we've all seen the "red ribbons" being passed out to everyone who assisted in the RNC, everyone except the Detention Deputies and techs. During the RNC all days off were cancelled, all days were 12 hours long (22 hours on one day for the SRT Team when a busload of protesters was being processed) and we worked anywhere from 15 to 20 days in a row depending on what squad we were on.
So it appears we get blamed for other divisions screw ups and get no credit for our hard work. What else is new?
I'm sick to death of the jail getting blamed for other divisions screw ups. These inmates were put together not in the jail, but in the holding cells at court. The article goes on to say, The witness was not seriously hurt, said Lisa Kiava, a spokeswoman for the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office.
Isn't Lisa Kiava supposed to provide facts? How about telling the press where the assault actually occurred?
Of course we've all seen the "red ribbons" being passed out to everyone who assisted in the RNC, everyone except the Detention Deputies and techs. During the RNC all days off were cancelled, all days were 12 hours long (22 hours on one day for the SRT Team when a busload of protesters was being processed) and we worked anywhere from 15 to 20 days in a row depending on what squad we were on.
So it appears we get blamed for other divisions screw ups and get no credit for our hard work. What else is new?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
New Grievance Filed Over Start Time
I filed a new grievance over start times in light of the AFGE Local 801 and Waseca Federal Correctional Institution Arbitration Opinion & Award.
It has been the Union's contention that our workday starts and ends in the locker room. This Arbitration decision combined with the fact that:
The Supreme Court unanimously upheld that you must be PAID for time spent putting on and off your uniform!"Therefore, the time, no matter how minimal, that an employee is required to spend putting on and taking off gear on the employer's premises is compensable "work" under the FLSA." Should greatly increase our chance of success.
It has been the Union's contention that our workday starts and ends in the locker room. This Arbitration decision combined with the fact that:
The Supreme Court unanimously upheld that you must be PAID for time spent putting on and off your uniform!"Therefore, the time, no matter how minimal, that an employee is required to spend putting on and taking off gear on the employer's premises is compensable "work" under the FLSA." Should greatly increase our chance of success.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Does this sound familiar?
Deputies Attacked - Told Not to File Charges
Source Teamsters Local 320 website
Source Teamsters Local 320 website
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Waseca Arbitration Award for start times
Arbitrator upholds key box to key box compensation. AFGE Local 801 and Waseca Federal Correctional Institution Arbitration Opinion & Award. This Minnesota arbitration award agrees with our grievance settlement that you must be paid key box to key box. Your day begins in line to get your keys and ends when they are returned.
Thanks to the MNTLEL for passing on this info.
I still believe we should continue to the next step and be paid for donning and doffing our uniforms. 320?
If you haven't already check out the Teamsters Local 320's new website.
Thanks to the MNTLEL for passing on this info.
I still believe we should continue to the next step and be paid for donning and doffing our uniforms. 320?
If you haven't already check out the Teamsters Local 320's new website.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
What happans if your employer violates Data Privacy?
Anyone who goes to Internal Affairs is required to sign a Garrity and Tenneson Warning.
Garrity protects your statements from being used against you criminally. Tenneson protects your privacy. Read my Internal Affairs Primer for more info.
So what happens when your employer illegally releases protected information? Ask the Minneapolis Police Department:
A Minneapolis police lieutenant since demoted to sergeant and his attorney will share a $75,000 settlement of his lawsuit that claimed the city defamed him and improperly disclosed news of his suspension. (Star Tribune)
Also read this Ohio case which discusses a Garrity violation:
In other words, a public employer or a public official, who compel an employee’s testimony but then violate Garrity by turning the statement over to the police or use the statement in criminal proceedings, could be held personally liable for violating the employee’s constitutional rights. This may be a powerful incentive for employers and officials, who utilize Garrity to compel testimony, to actually comply with Garrity.
Garrity protects your statements from being used against you criminally. Tenneson protects your privacy. Read my Internal Affairs Primer for more info.
So what happens when your employer illegally releases protected information? Ask the Minneapolis Police Department:
A Minneapolis police lieutenant since demoted to sergeant and his attorney will share a $75,000 settlement of his lawsuit that claimed the city defamed him and improperly disclosed news of his suspension. (Star Tribune)
Also read this Ohio case which discusses a Garrity violation:
In other words, a public employer or a public official, who compel an employee’s testimony but then violate Garrity by turning the statement over to the police or use the statement in criminal proceedings, could be held personally liable for violating the employee’s constitutional rights. This may be a powerful incentive for employers and officials, who utilize Garrity to compel testimony, to actually comply with Garrity.
Our own Sheriff's Office made the law books by violating 2 detention deputy's Garrity rights in State of Minnesota vs. Gault, Zielke. This case was upheld all the way to the Minnesota Supreme Court.
This is serious business.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Our 2 on 2 guard, compliments of Washington State!
READ who you are sitting with:
Gregory Bowles will be released today (Thursday) from the Washington State Prison in Monroe. He's served his time for severely beating a Bellingham man with a baton. But those who've worked with Bowles have concerns about his release. The concern is that he's still violent and may assault someone. Bowles will be monitored in a state program as he re–enters the community.
Gregory Bowles is 27 years old. He's been diagnosed as mentally ill. And recently, he's been suicidal.
He's one of 200 men and women currently classified by the state as a Dangerous Mentally Ill Offender or DMIO. After he's released from the Monroe Correctional Facility, Bowles will have two options. He could be sent to Western State Hospital for a three–day psychiatric hold. Or he could go to a hotel in downtown Seattle.
State Plans to Release Dangerous, Mentally Ill Offender to King County
Gregory Bowles will be released today (Thursday) from the Washington State Prison in Monroe. He's served his time for severely beating a Bellingham man with a baton. But those who've worked with Bowles have concerns about his release. The concern is that he's still violent and may assault someone. Bowles will be monitored in a state program as he re–enters the community.
Gregory Bowles is 27 years old. He's been diagnosed as mentally ill. And recently, he's been suicidal.
He's one of 200 men and women currently classified by the state as a Dangerous Mentally Ill Offender or DMIO. After he's released from the Monroe Correctional Facility, Bowles will have two options. He could be sent to Western State Hospital for a three–day psychiatric hold. Or he could go to a hotel in downtown Seattle.
State Plans to Release Dangerous, Mentally Ill Offender to King County
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Rick Kuster has passed away
Detention Tech and former Union Steward Rick Kuster has passed away.
Visitation Wednesday 3:00 PM with services at 5:00 PM at SANDBERG FUNERAL HOME, 2593 E. 7th Avneue, North St. Paul. Social Gathering immediately following at Neumann's Bar and Grill in North St. Paul. 651-777-2600
Visitation Wednesday 3:00 PM with services at 5:00 PM at SANDBERG FUNERAL HOME, 2593 E. 7th Avneue, North St. Paul. Social Gathering immediately following at Neumann's Bar and Grill in North St. Paul. 651-777-2600
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Schedule Facts for Teamsters
There are lies flying around the jail that are causing division amongst co-workers both Detention and Licensed. I have written the following to clear the air:
Schedule Facts for Teamsters
Fact: The schedule is an inherent managerial right. (Minnesota State Statute 179A.07, Agreement Article 6, Sec. 1.)
Fact: Sheriff Stanek chose to put us on the 28/8 schedule against the wishes of the Teamsters Union.
Fact: Teamsters Union Steward Miles conducted an informal poll of our members regarding schedule choices including 12 hour days. The Administration would not consider at it.
Fact: Teamsters Business Agent Tom Perkins wanted to conduct an official poll of all Teamsters Local 320 members regarding various schedules. The response was, “This is not a negotiation. This is a notification.” We were told they wouldn’t even look at it.
Fact: During negotiations a few weeks ago we offered up several schedule options including 12 hour days, 10 hour days and 6/3. They were not interested in moving from the 28/8 schedule.
Fact: Both Hennepin County and Teamsters Local 320 have certified their contract items for arbitration. Hennepin County certified no changes for the schedule or language relating to it.
Fact: The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Deputy Association (HCSDA) is currently discussing a 12 hour day schedule with Hennepin County Sheriff’s Administration.
Lie: The Teamsters are standing in the way of a 12 hour schedule.
Fact: Sheriff Stanek could exercise inherent managerial right and place all job classes on a 12 hour day at any time, or return us to 6/3 if he chooses.
Fact: The Teamsters did not support the switch to the 28 day schedule. It was imposed by inherent managerial right. The Sheriff exercising that same right can change the schedule with the stroke of a pen.
Fact: This is Sheriff Stanek’s schedule.
Footnote: Those of you who are angry because you can't get a weekend off or even days off together remember this is NOT because we are standing in the way of a 12 hour day. It is because Sheriff Stanek took us off of 6/3 and placed us on this 28/8 schedule. A schedule used by no other jail in the country!
Schedule Facts for Teamsters
Fact: The schedule is an inherent managerial right. (Minnesota State Statute 179A.07, Agreement Article 6, Sec. 1.)
Fact: Sheriff Stanek chose to put us on the 28/8 schedule against the wishes of the Teamsters Union.
Fact: Teamsters Union Steward Miles conducted an informal poll of our members regarding schedule choices including 12 hour days. The Administration would not consider at it.
Fact: Teamsters Business Agent Tom Perkins wanted to conduct an official poll of all Teamsters Local 320 members regarding various schedules. The response was, “This is not a negotiation. This is a notification.” We were told they wouldn’t even look at it.
Fact: During negotiations a few weeks ago we offered up several schedule options including 12 hour days, 10 hour days and 6/3. They were not interested in moving from the 28/8 schedule.
Fact: Both Hennepin County and Teamsters Local 320 have certified their contract items for arbitration. Hennepin County certified no changes for the schedule or language relating to it.
Fact: The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Deputy Association (HCSDA) is currently discussing a 12 hour day schedule with Hennepin County Sheriff’s Administration.
Lie: The Teamsters are standing in the way of a 12 hour schedule.
Fact: Sheriff Stanek could exercise inherent managerial right and place all job classes on a 12 hour day at any time, or return us to 6/3 if he chooses.
Fact: The Teamsters did not support the switch to the 28 day schedule. It was imposed by inherent managerial right. The Sheriff exercising that same right can change the schedule with the stroke of a pen.
Fact: This is Sheriff Stanek’s schedule.
Footnote: Those of you who are angry because you can't get a weekend off or even days off together remember this is NOT because we are standing in the way of a 12 hour day. It is because Sheriff Stanek took us off of 6/3 and placed us on this 28/8 schedule. A schedule used by no other jail in the country!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Schedule: Employers Right
There is talk floating around about going to a 12 hour day. There are intimations that somehow it is up to the Unions to decide the schedule. Not so. Under both Labor Law and our Contract Sheriff Stanek with the stroke of a pen could put us on 12 hour days or return to 6/3 exactly like he put us on the 28 day schedule.
The Law:
A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent managerial policy. Matters of inherent managerial policy include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs of the employer, its overall budget, utilization of technology, the organizational structure, selection of personnel, and direction and the number of personnel. MS 179A.07 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS.
Our Contract mirrors identical language in Artilce 6, section 1.
In other words we are on this schedule solely because the Sheriff wants us on it. He and he alone made that decision. It didn't matter that virtually no one wanted the 28 day schedule. To pretend they suddenly care about what schedule the employees want and to go through the charade of considering something else is disingenuous and a smoke screen.
The Law:
A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent managerial policy. Matters of inherent managerial policy include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs of the employer, its overall budget, utilization of technology, the organizational structure, selection of personnel, and direction and the number of personnel. MS 179A.07 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS.
Our Contract mirrors identical language in Artilce 6, section 1.
In other words we are on this schedule solely because the Sheriff wants us on it. He and he alone made that decision. It didn't matter that virtually no one wanted the 28 day schedule. To pretend they suddenly care about what schedule the employees want and to go through the charade of considering something else is disingenuous and a smoke screen.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Legislative Priority
The time has come for the passage of the CORRECTIONS OFFICERS BILL OF RIGHTS. In 2002 our B.A. Tom Perkins introduced the Bill in the Minnesota Senate. It has languished. In this, a year with no money, the time has come for its' passage. The language is similar to the Peace Officers Bill of Rights but applies to our profession. It's time we had the same protections given to cops. It's time to join forces with the State Corrections Officers on this and other vital issues. They make up 70% of Corrections Officers in Minnesota. The time has come to join forces in solidarity for our mutual benefit.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Funeral for Moriah Ann Cooper
Detention Deputy Cartrell Cooper's daughter, Moriah Ann Cooper has passed away. There is a card at work to express your support at this difficult time. For those who can attend:
The funeral will be on Tuesday March 22nd, 2-4 PM
Estes Funeral Chapel
2210 Plymouth Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411-3600
(612) 521-6744
The funeral will be on Tuesday March 22nd, 2-4 PM
Estes Funeral Chapel
2210 Plymouth Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411-3600
(612) 521-6744
Friday, February 19, 2010
Primetime Vacation Update
With the advent of the 28 day schedule came another problem to solve. Primetime Vacations. Steward Westerdahl and I met with Hennepin County Labor Relations and the HCSO administration to determine what would be considered a 'work week' when putting in for Primetime Vacation.
Article 12, Sec. 4 of our Agreement says we can designate 1 to 3 consecutive 'work weeks' as Prime Time Vacation. There is no definition of 'work week' in our contract. Under the 6/3 schedule we had for 36 years a work week was 6 days. Which sandwiched in between two sets of days off gave you a 12 day vacation.
On the 28 day schedule you must put in and use vacation for every day you want off as there is no guarantee the other regular days off will be approved where you want them. If we decided a 'work week' was too short then it would have been difficult for people to get longer vacations because they will only allow 5 off for days and mids and 4 off for dog watch.
We decided on 7 days for several reasons. One it gives everyone an opportunity to get a real vacation. Two, its a division of 28 so more people have a chance of getting vacation time approved. Three, you only use 56 hours of vacation for seven days off. On the 6/3 you used 51 hours for six days off. Only a five hour difference.
Bottom line: If we didn't make a decision the employer would have made one for us.
Hopefully this works well for this year. If not we can revisit it next year.
Article 12, Sec. 4 of our Agreement says we can designate 1 to 3 consecutive 'work weeks' as Prime Time Vacation. There is no definition of 'work week' in our contract. Under the 6/3 schedule we had for 36 years a work week was 6 days. Which sandwiched in between two sets of days off gave you a 12 day vacation.
On the 28 day schedule you must put in and use vacation for every day you want off as there is no guarantee the other regular days off will be approved where you want them. If we decided a 'work week' was too short then it would have been difficult for people to get longer vacations because they will only allow 5 off for days and mids and 4 off for dog watch.
We decided on 7 days for several reasons. One it gives everyone an opportunity to get a real vacation. Two, its a division of 28 so more people have a chance of getting vacation time approved. Three, you only use 56 hours of vacation for seven days off. On the 6/3 you used 51 hours for six days off. Only a five hour difference.
Bottom line: If we didn't make a decision the employer would have made one for us.
Hopefully this works well for this year. If not we can revisit it next year.
Friday, February 05, 2010
Steward Election Results
The election results are in. Our two new stewards are:
Brian Peterson and Mike Smith
Current shop stewards are:
Wade Laszlo - Chief Steward
Jodie Hannig
Phillip Miles
Mike Nielsen
Ted Westerdahl
Brian Peterson
Mike Smith
Brian Peterson and Mike Smith
Current shop stewards are:
Wade Laszlo - Chief Steward
Jodie Hannig
Phillip Miles
Mike Nielsen
Ted Westerdahl
Brian Peterson
Mike Smith
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
We are at an impasse with Hennepin County and have filed for arbitration.
We are certifying 3 items and the County is certifying 1 item.
Teamster items:
1. Article X sec 4. Comp time changed from Employers choice to Employees choice.
The Sheriff would not budge on the next 2 items relating to Sheriff Stanek's 28 day schedule:
2. Seniority used to bid days off.
3. If schedule is changed after posting a 1.5% premium to be paid for previously scheduled off days worked.
The next item is from Hennepin County:
4. Article 7, sec. 4. Shift bid to become annual rather then bi-annual.
We are certifying 3 items and the County is certifying 1 item.
Teamster items:
1. Article X sec 4. Comp time changed from Employers choice to Employees choice.
The Sheriff would not budge on the next 2 items relating to Sheriff Stanek's 28 day schedule:
2. Seniority used to bid days off.
3. If schedule is changed after posting a 1.5% premium to be paid for previously scheduled off days worked.
The next item is from Hennepin County:
4. Article 7, sec. 4. Shift bid to become annual rather then bi-annual.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Latest 1/30/10
Jail Admin has put out a memo raising vacation levels to 5 off for days and mids and 4 off for dogwatch. Definitely a step in the right direction. Since the Vote of No Confidence we have seen the posted schedule remain unchanged and a marked improvement in vacation time use. Solidarity!
Many are reporting getting documented counselling sessions for Pantel Zoom Camera use when they were not the ones setting the cameras. See a steward or email me at if this applies to you.
W2's are out. I got a call last night from another steward telling me the income reported on his W2 is about $2,000 more then on his last pay stub! Check yours. APEX? Let's see them explain this 'formula.'
2/3/10 we return to the table for another round of contract mediation.
Continue to watch this blog for updates. Don't hesitate to post here, you can do so anonymously. Feel free to email me at
Many are reporting getting documented counselling sessions for Pantel Zoom Camera use when they were not the ones setting the cameras. See a steward or email me at if this applies to you.
W2's are out. I got a call last night from another steward telling me the income reported on his W2 is about $2,000 more then on his last pay stub! Check yours. APEX? Let's see them explain this 'formula.'
2/3/10 we return to the table for another round of contract mediation.
Continue to watch this blog for updates. Don't hesitate to post here, you can do so anonymously. Feel free to email me at
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Grievance filed over additional money owed detention deputies
On January 18th, 2010, I filed a class action (covering all detention deputies and techs) grievance for money due over hours worked over and above 2080 hours in 2009.
Article 3, Section 3 of our AGREEMENT reads:
Beginning January 2, 2000, employees assigned to a work schedule which requires them to work 2080 or more hours per year (e.g. 6-3 schedule with 8.5 hours of work per day) will not be required to work such makeup hours. Such employees shall be paid for 80 hours per payroll period, exclusive of overtime. Any additional amounts owed to such employees shall be paid at the end of each contract year. Employees on the 6-3 holiday schedule who are credited with working an 8.5 hour workday shall also attend 12 hours mandatory training as part of their normal schedule. In addition, all employees on this schedule shall receive holiday premium compensation for the hours actually worked on a designated holiday, as described in Article 11, Holidays. Employees working this schedule shall not be entitled to the 1.5% salary premium outlined in Article 3, Section 2 above.
By changing the schedule from 6/3 to 28/8 mid year caused most of you to work more hours while only being paid for 2080.
This is yet another "cost savings" of the 28 day schedule of which the Administration was warned. Almost every detention deputy should be owed money.
P.S. This clause is exclusive to the Detention Deputy Agreement. We put it in, in 2000 when we first got holiday pay in our first contract as Teamsters.
Article 3, Section 3 of our AGREEMENT reads:
Beginning January 2, 2000, employees assigned to a work schedule which requires them to work 2080 or more hours per year (e.g. 6-3 schedule with 8.5 hours of work per day) will not be required to work such makeup hours. Such employees shall be paid for 80 hours per payroll period, exclusive of overtime. Any additional amounts owed to such employees shall be paid at the end of each contract year. Employees on the 6-3 holiday schedule who are credited with working an 8.5 hour workday shall also attend 12 hours mandatory training as part of their normal schedule. In addition, all employees on this schedule shall receive holiday premium compensation for the hours actually worked on a designated holiday, as described in Article 11, Holidays. Employees working this schedule shall not be entitled to the 1.5% salary premium outlined in Article 3, Section 2 above.
By changing the schedule from 6/3 to 28/8 mid year caused most of you to work more hours while only being paid for 2080.
This is yet another "cost savings" of the 28 day schedule of which the Administration was warned. Almost every detention deputy should be owed money.
P.S. This clause is exclusive to the Detention Deputy Agreement. We put it in, in 2000 when we first got holiday pay in our first contract as Teamsters.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Media Bias
On December 15th 2009 a press release was issued announcing a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN SHERIFF STANEK. Among others, two of the local paper's reporters interviewed me, the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. A total of 5 interviews between them.
Interestingly, the St. Paul Pioneer Press after much promise eventually said, "We don't cover stories on the other side of the river." The Star Tribune eventually told me, "I don't think our editor is interested in running it." OK, but wait.
One must ask why the Star Tribune has story after pro-Sheriff Stanek story, and story after negative story about Ramsey County Sheriff Fletcher "on the other side of the river." Could it be that Sheriff Stanek is a "source" of theirs? They accept story after story from him, many of which are good, but in return will not cover any negative stories about him even though he is a major politician.
No Confidence Votes are generally news. When the small police department in Oakdale voted NO CONFIDENCE in their chief the Star Tribune ran the story, Oakdale's police chief: Bully or 'by the book'?
When the Hennepin County Sheriff's Deputies Association took a vote of no confidence against candidate Stanek's rival Juan Lopez, it made the news. That's right, a politically motivated vote of no confidence against a candidate made the news!
All was relatively quiet between the two, even up to the primary, where Stanek captured 43 percent of the vote to Lopez's 24 percent. But afterward, the attacks began in the form of a press release from a group called the Hennepin County Sheriff's Deputies Association. The missive, which lists HCSDA president Pat Denman as a contact, notes that the association issued a "no confidence" vote in candidate Lopez. City Pages
In light of that one would think a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE by Teamsters Union members against the Sheriff of the largest County in Minnesota would be news, but alas, the media is biased. Whether it gets newspaper coverage or not doesn't change the facts of the VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN SHERIFF STANEK. It also can't stop the Internet from spreading the word in blogs and on YouTube videos.
Interestingly, the St. Paul Pioneer Press after much promise eventually said, "We don't cover stories on the other side of the river." The Star Tribune eventually told me, "I don't think our editor is interested in running it." OK, but wait.
One must ask why the Star Tribune has story after pro-Sheriff Stanek story, and story after negative story about Ramsey County Sheriff Fletcher "on the other side of the river." Could it be that Sheriff Stanek is a "source" of theirs? They accept story after story from him, many of which are good, but in return will not cover any negative stories about him even though he is a major politician.
No Confidence Votes are generally news. When the small police department in Oakdale voted NO CONFIDENCE in their chief the Star Tribune ran the story, Oakdale's police chief: Bully or 'by the book'?
When the Hennepin County Sheriff's Deputies Association took a vote of no confidence against candidate Stanek's rival Juan Lopez, it made the news. That's right, a politically motivated vote of no confidence against a candidate made the news!
All was relatively quiet between the two, even up to the primary, where Stanek captured 43 percent of the vote to Lopez's 24 percent. But afterward, the attacks began in the form of a press release from a group called the Hennepin County Sheriff's Deputies Association. The missive, which lists HCSDA president Pat Denman as a contact, notes that the association issued a "no confidence" vote in candidate Lopez. City Pages
In light of that one would think a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE by Teamsters Union members against the Sheriff of the largest County in Minnesota would be news, but alas, the media is biased. Whether it gets newspaper coverage or not doesn't change the facts of the VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN SHERIFF STANEK. It also can't stop the Internet from spreading the word in blogs and on YouTube videos.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Thursday, January 07, 2010
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