Tuesday, September 11, 2018

It's September 11

September 11th, 2001. 17 years ago, I was working as a Detention Deputy at the Hennepin County Jail. I was working the Release desk that day listening to the radio. Suddenly the news broke in that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center.

I was shocked and remember thinking it was a terrible accident. A very short time later the radio was reporting a second plane hit!

I went up to staff dining to see a television. There I saw the images of the planes hitting the buildings. Soon word came that we were under attack.

Downtown Minneapolis was ordered evacuated. Us Detention Deputies like all law enforcement,remained on the job. There was no leaving work to be with our families. No one knew if any hijacked planes filled with our loved ones would be flown into the IDS or other tall buildings. All commercial flights were grounded. People were trapped in cities for days, unless they rented cars or found other modes of transportation.

I have never forgotten. I have never forgiven. We have enemies who when given the chance will attack. They will attack civilians, military, men, women and children. People just going about their business.

This caused our nation to pull together, and for a short time think about our borders, immigration and security. It didn’t take long for some to forget, to try and appease our enemies and even vilify those who are vigilant.

But I, and many of us know who you are. We will not be lulled into complacency or silenced by political correctness.

I am thankful I live in a country where we have the right to bear arms to defend ourselves, and the freedom to raise our voices. I am thankful we have a strong leader who believes in strong borders. Freedom and Liberty must always be defended.

Today is 9/11. God bless America. We will not forget.

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