Monday, March 05, 2018

New Pension Bill

A new Bill has been introduced in the Minnesota  House and Senate affecting our PERA Correctional Pension (HF3053 and SF2620).

Originally the recomendation was to lump our PERA Correctional Plan in with all of the rest and give us only an annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) floor of 1% with a ceiling of 1.5% based on inflation. AFSCME called it "shared sacrifice." Teamsters and even LELS signed off on it. Willing to weaken the PERA Correctional Plan!

After Tom Perkins of MNPEA and myself met with PERA Executive Director Doug Anderson and the PERA Board, they recommended to the legislature that our PERA Correctional Plan have a floor of 1% with a ceiling of 2.5% based on inflation.

While I would prefer no change to our annual COLA of 2.5%, if change is going to come, at least we will maintain a COLA of 2.5% in times of inflation.

The new bills reflect that. Thank you Doug Anderson, PERA Board and legislatures.
Special thanks to Rep. Abigail Whelan for meeting with me early on and contacting the Bill's authors.

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