Saturday, February 17, 2018

Liars, Representation and Pensions

On 2/16/18, Teamsters Local 320 Secretary Treasurer Brian Aldes had an editorial published in the Star Tribune.

I can't believe he had the audacity to discuss public employee pensions, "...pensions are promises employers make to their employees in the form of deferred compensation. Public employees pay into their pensions through contributions to the plan.."

Teamsters Local 320 actually had agreed to allow a cut in the Cost of Living for their CO's pension from 2.5% to 1.5% a year. They along with AFSCME, and LELS were unwilling to stand up for their CO's!  MNPEA was the only union to do so.

Brian's and the Teamsters main concern seems to be collecting dues rather than member representation. Had that been their goal the Hennepin County Detention Deputies and Dispatchers (911) wouldn't have decertified them in 2011, followed not much later by Minneapolis 911 who all went to MNPEA.

The crux of his editorial is the fear that Janus vs. AFSCME, Council 31 will be upheld by the Supreme Court. Why? Because then people won't have to pay dues if the Union isn't doing what they are being paid to do!

I am very pro-union, but if a union has forgotten they exist for the members, they serve no purpose.


  1. Are you in favor of making paying dues optional for those not wanting union represenration?

  2. Yes. I believe in Unions. But if a Union is not representing their members no one should be forced to pay them. If a Union is smart they work for their members and negotiate a better contract than for non-members and have advantages like MNPEA's Legal Plan. In short, operate in such a way people see the advantage of belonging.
