Thursday, December 07, 2017

Meeting with my State Rep about our Pension

Just finished a very productive meeting with my State Representative Abigail Whelan. She met me at our local Dunn Brothers Coffee and we had a very productive conversation about the recent bills (HF 565, SF 545) that sought to lower our COLA. She was in agreement with our position and will be talking to Rep.O'Driscoll (one of the authors) about it.

As you know Governor Dayton vetoed them, but they were part of the Omnibus Bill and very likely will be re-introduced.

I cannot stress enough, please contact your State Representatives and Senators. Rep. Whelan also recommends this.

Stress that our PERA Correctional Pension is well funded.

There is no need for 'shared sacrifice' with less well run pensions.

There is already a trigger in our pension that if it drops below 80% funding our COLA automatically cuts to 1%. (We are funded at 95.7%).

PERA did not recommend any adjustments to our pension, only the Authors of the Bill (HF 565, SF 545) did.

I will be meeting soon with my State Senator Jim Abler.

I cannot thank Rep. Whelan enough for meeting me to hear our issue.

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