Thursday, June 20, 2013

Arbitrator Picked

The Arbitrator has been picked for the Sick Time Grievance. It is former Hennepin County Judge Harry S. Crump.  I will keep you posted on the date. The issue is that the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office arbitrarily created a 96 hour sick time limit in June of 2011 without negotiating it, then enforced it retroactively one year. Since then people have been written up for taking sick family members to hospitals, pregnancies even using fitness for health!!

The weird part is, is that at a time the County became self insured the Sheriff's Office is forcing people to go to the doctor on monitored sick leave.

The contract is clear on what you can use sick time for, not how much can be used.


Corrections Corporation of America Loses Four Prison Contracts This Month

This is an interesting read. Private prisons billing the State for posts they weren't manning.


  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Wade, check out the HCSO Policy Manual. Dr appointments (ones made in advance) are not counted against you. Make sure its documented as prearranged doctor appointment in the comment section. Also, sick leave for fitness does not count either - unless it drops someones sick leave to a level that they don't have enough to cover their absences.

  2. That's funny, because they established their policy June of 2011, then went retro 1 year and placed many of us on monitored sick leave. Much of mine was prearranged doctor appointments and even a week long stay in the hospital for a child of mine that they allowed me to use a combination of sick and vacation time for so I wouldn't burn all sick time...that they called "patterned sick time" because I used a combination of sick and vacation to cover it. They only follow policy when it suits them.

  3. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Wade, check this out


    (a) An employee may use personal sick leave benefits provided by the employer for absences due to an illness of or injury to the employee's child for such reasonable periods as the employee's attendance with the child may be necessary, on the same terms the employee is able to use sick leave benefits for the employee's own illness or injury. This section applies only to personal sick leave benefits payable to the employee from the employer's general assets.

    (b) For purposes of this section, "personal sick leave benefits" means time accrued and available to an employee to be used as a result of absence from work due to personal illness or injury, but does not include short-term or long-term disability or other salary continuation benefits.
