Sunday, March 10, 2013

The jail experience from a customer point of view

This blog post was forwarded to me. It's a first hand account of a blogger who had the misfortune of getting a "tour" of our facility. He describes his experience from the squad car on. It's entertaining, accurate and enlightening from a jailer's perspective. The writer is not a regular, just a guy who didn't take care of some business and ended up at our facility.

I encourage you to read it and smile:

So I Went to Jail Last Night.

Wait there's more (I got the link from the first comment on this post):


  1. There's more on his stay the next day.

    Thank you for posting this, and writing your blog. Interesting stories here- really gives perspective.

    -Jena (the less forgetful wife)

  2. Thanks Jena. Bill's a good writer and it's good to see our job from an outside perspective from time to time.

  3. P.S. I can't tell you how to flush that's a government secret.

  4. HA! that's going to drive Bill absolutely batty!

    :) Thanks again!
