Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Union Stewards and Important Information


These are your MNPEA Stewards in the Hennepin County Jail Division:

B. Ebbers
J. Herlitz
W. Laszlo
P. Miles
B. Peterson
M. Smith
T. Westerdahl

MNPEA Stewards will assist you with grievances and sit with you if you are called into a situation that could result in discipline. See Weingarten Rights.

MNPEA Attorney's will accompany you to Internal Affairs and will assist you in if you are involved in a Critical Incident.

If you get a letter to appear in Internal Affairs call 651 287-8883. DO NOT GO ALONE our attorney will accompany you. You have this right under Article 34 of our Agreement and under Weingarten.

If you are involved in a Critical Incident call 651 287-8883. DO NOT GIVE A STATEMENT WITHOUT YOUR LEGAL REPRESENTATION.

Our Business Agent is Mike Golen. You can reach him at 612 817-6042.

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