Sunday, December 04, 2011

Detention & Radio Positions to be cut

These are the LOW LIGHTS of the November 29, 2011 Hennepin County Board Meeting.

The County Board's original proposal was to cut 20 FTE's (full time employees) from the Sheriff's Office, 10 Licensed Deputies and 10 Detention Deputies. At the Sheriff's request, Commissioner Callison made an amendment to cut no licensed deputies, but instead to cut 5 Detention Deputies, 6 Identification Clerks, 2 OS III's and 1 Telecommunicator.

While I'm thankful that we are not losing 10 Detention Deputies, I find it amazing that while the jail as an institution has minimum staffing requirements, all that can be performed by Detention Staff, the Sheriff chooses to staff the jail with the more expensive licensed staff and decrease the number of less expensive Detention, Clerks and Telecommunicators.

Watch this short clip of the meeting. Commissioner McLaughlin was the only one to vote no.

See my clip from last years budget meeting that outlines the fact that we are 1/2 million dollars a year already overstaffed with Licensed Deputies in the jail. The Sheriff's own staffing analysis says they only need 24 Licensed Deputies in the jail, they currently have over 80. Clearly that's where the savings are to be found.

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