Thursday, December 22, 2011

December Update


Re: Det. Tech Bentzen's grievance regarding unpaid night shift differentials. The County has agreed to restore paying night shift differential for the entire shift worked and admitted they should not have discontinued the practice. This will be reconciled in January. Regarding the FLSA overtime differentials based on stability pay, the county will pay this only at the end of each year because an employee who quits prior to receiving the stability pay would have been ineligible for that differential. 


The County's initial proposal to MNPEA is:

No increase in wages for 2012 or 2013
No steps increases for 20112 or 2013

Insurance:  2012   Singles pay $60 mo. effective 12/01/2012
                        Family stays the same
                        2013    Singles pay $75 mo. effective 12/01/2013
                        Family the same as 2012.

All insurance had increases in deductibles, especially for not filling out health assessment.

We did not accept this offer and will be going to Mediation as the next step.


Ballots were counted at the Fowler Law Firm on 12/22/11

Dave Deal, President of MNPEA counted the ballots.

The stewards elected were:

Brian Peterson, Phil Miles, Mike Smith, Wade Laszlo, Jodie Hanning, Mike Hendrickson and Jason Herlitz.

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