Sunday, October 02, 2011

Vote for Fred Gegare this week!

You should receive a ballot from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters this week for the general election. I encourage you to vote, and to vote for the Fred Gegare slate. I was a delegate to the 2011 Teamsters Convention and fully support him and his entire slate.

My, our beef, is with Teamsters Local 320 not the International. Yes, we are in the process of decertifying 320, they won't have a local election for two years and we can't take another two years of their abuse. Give a gift to our brothers and sisters in the labor movement, vote in someone who wants to return the power of the Teamsters to the members. Hoffa needs to go!

By the way, thank you Teamsters local 320, because you "protested" the list of names provided to the Bureau of Mediation Services we will all still be able to vote in the Teamsters General election!

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