Friday, October 28, 2011

Message from MNPEA

Hello All & Congratulations on today's victory! Thank you!

This email is to inform you and the members that as of Saturday you are covered by both MNPEA as your union and our Legal Defense Plan with the Robert Fowler Law Firm. Please call me if you need a Business Agent or call Rob Fowler if you need to speak with our Legal Counsel. Also we plan to reinstate all of the current stewards on Monday Oct. 31st and then have steward elections when we have the mailing list in November. I am meeting with Hennepin HR this coming Tuesday to work out the dues collection. We are also preparing to have a Unit Clarification Hearing at the BMS to try and separate out the Dispatchers into their own bargaining unit and will update you on when we can get a Hearing Date and have a pre-meeting with the Dispatch members to help us prep for the hearing.

Mike Golen

Rob Fowler
Legal Counsel

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