Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Congratulations Letter from Sandy Pope

Congratulations Letter from Sandy Pope.

March 7, 2011 in ABH

Dear Members of the Anyone But Hoffa Slate:

Congratulations on a well-deserved victory in your Convention Delegate
election. Our union and our country needs your activism and
leadership more than ever!

Politicians across the country are coming after public sector workers’
wages, benefits, and union rights. It’s the fight of our lifetimes.

Corporate politicians are trying to divide us and turn public and
private sector workers against each other. Our real enemies are the
reckless Wall Street bankers who drove our economy over the cliff—not
the fire fighters and teachers and Teamsters who provide the public
services we need.

Public employees have power and can be a tremendous force for change
when we get active and get involved. That’s the lesson of
Wisconsin—and that’s the lesson of your victory in Local 320.

I congratulate the “Anyone but Hoffa Slate” and Local 320 members for
standing up for change.

Your successful campaign to win this delegate election is a model for
what it will take to turn our union around. You reached out to your
brothers and sisters, member-to-member, talking face-to-face and on
the phone about what it will take to turn around our union.

That kind of grassroots activism is what my campaign is all about.
That’s why I was honored to back your slate.

I look forward to working with you to stand up to corporate
politicians, defend working families and rebuild our union’s power.

In solidarity,

Sandy Pope

Reposted fron the Anyone But Hoffa Site

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