Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Who would support the Sue Mauren slate?

On her website Sue Mauren says, "Experienced, Proven Leadership You Can Trust."

But right below that is a notice from the OFFICE OF THE ELECTION SUPERVISOR
for the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS declaring she violated the election rules! Go to her website and see for yourself: http://suemauren.com/

What other rules does the Mauren Slate violate? United States Copyright Laws! Brett Ohnstad, a delegate on the Sue Mauren Slate has violated Copyright laws against me by illegally uploading music and/or videos of mine and against Mike Golen of our slate. Here's the links:


The Sue Mauren Slate also launched a bigoted campaign against me on religious grounds. See my video response to another one of their videos pulled by YouTube for Copyright violations. My YouTube response video is "I Am A Teamster."

In short the Sue Mauren Slate violates election rules, Copyright Laws and is willing to launch attacks on members who hold different religious philosophies then theirs. Is this the Experienced, Proven Leadership You Can Trust?

The Sue Mauren Slate is supporting Hoffa in the IBT elections. Teamsters Election Supervisor: Hoffa Lied to Cover Up Bribery Attempts Birds of a feather!

I am running as a Delegate on the Anyone But Hoffa Slate. You deserve better leadership.

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