Friday, February 18, 2011

A Comment on our Wisconisn Union brothers & sisters

I support our Union brothers and sisters in Wisconsin. Two days ago I listened to Rush Limbaugh refer to Wisconsin's Public Union Protesters as 'Pariahs,' and referred to Public Union member benefits as 'Welfare.'

Any adult can see money is tight for government. However, any cuts, increases in member contributions, etc should be made at the bargaining table at contract negotiations, not by executive order. We, at the bargaining table have agreed to wage freezes, increased health care contributions, increased pension contributions, etc. We've done our part.

If you have cable television there are several packages. There's a premium package with all of the movie and sports channels, a mid-range package and then basic cable. These assholes are saying, look we can't afford the premium package price. So we're going to pay basic cable rates but we want the same premium service.

All Union contracts have provisions for lay offs. While no one wants lay offs, if you can only afford 30 snowplow drivers and you have 35 you may have to lay off 5 and take longer to clear roads for the public. Public workers deserve a livable wage. Wisconsin just wants to cut everybody's pay, lay off no one and get the same level of service for cheap.

The bottom line is public employees didn't cause the housing bubble and didn't speculate oil prices through the roof. We are not to blame. When the private sector was getting 10% raises we were getting 2-3%. Most of us are experiencing wage freezes yet again. We don't get rich in public service.

The economy will only pick up when the private sector does. If we have to have less government and less workers in the mean time then so be it. Those provisions are already in our contracts. Public workers deserve honored contracts, and a living wage, and that wage must be negotiated, not ordered.

These politicians fail to realize that government doesn't give us the 'right to strike.' A strike is what happens when people get fed up. It's shutting things down to show our strength and value. The strikes in the 1930's that gave us the National Labor Relation's Act came after workers walked off of jobs, picketed and violently forced replacement workers away. They didn't need permission! History can and does repeat itself. Minnesota is trying to freeze teacher pay and make Minnesota a 'Right to Work' state. They think that because unemployment is high, people will fear for their jobs and do what they're told. The Union organizing and strikes that took place early in the last century happened during the Great Depression! When you take advantage of people they push back.

Imagine if public workers went on strike, governors ordered then back to work and they refused, and then the cops refused to arrest them and the jailers refused to book or hold them?


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