Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fred Gergare News

The Candidate I support for IBT President is Fred Gergare. This is news from his site you will find enlightening over the corrupt Hoffa Slate.

Fred Sweeps 5 Delegate Elections
Updated On: Jan 20, 2011 (10:02:00)
Fred Gegare and the "Fighting for the Members" campaign continues to fire on all cylinders by winning delegate elections at five local unions (89, 327, 651, 662, and 783). As Fred's convention delegation grows by the day, Teamsters are sending a clear message that James Phillip Hoffa's reign is coming to an end. See below to find out how to become a Gegare Delegate and to get a Fred campaign leaflet.

Teamsters Election Supervisor: Hoffa Lied to Cover Up Bribery Attempts
Updated On: Jan 21, 2011 (19:51:00)
An official investigation by IBT Election Supervisor Richard W. Mark intocorruption charges against James Phillip Hoffa, his campaign staff and three of his Vice Presidents, including his running mate Ken Hall, revealed "a culture, or mindset where elected union officials do not clearly distinguish between their fiduciary responsibilities to the union and their separate politicalobjectives of achieving election."
In addition, the investigation uncovered "conduct that showed no recognitionthat campaigning cannot be conducted through and using the union structureitself."

I am running as a delegate on the Anyone But Hoffa Slate. Our slate members support Fred Gerage and Sandy Pope, anyone but Hoffa!

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