Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You May Be Owed Back Pay

A while ago Detention Tech Dave B. filed a class action grievance regarding incorrect overtime calculations. As many of us learned first hand contacting Sheriff's Office payroll and County payroll was useless. We all remember the rude responses since APEX. So Dave B. filed a grievance. The Sheriff's Office and County denied it so our BA Tom Perkins sent Dave to the Department of Labor informed him about the procedure and who to contact. Dave is now getting backpay and you can too.

You need to add up all of your overtime from July 1, 2008 to October 10, 2009 (APEX inception).

The following info came from Dave B.:

If you feel your overtime was not correctly figured or paid to you and afte rCounty payroll did not help, you should contact Investigator Ferris or the DOLWage & Hour Division Office for assistance.

V. Ferris InvestigatorUS D.O.L.Wage & Hour Division
Minneapolis, MN612-370-3341 office reception / 612-370-3377 direct line

Dave has a table on the EGROUP. The time table starts at Jul 2008 to Oct 2009 (APEX started) to figure what is backpay owed. The longer anyone waits to request their backpay the less they may be getting. You would need to contact SH.PAYROLL to request any backpay.

The long and short is run your OT, especially if you get Stability Pay, all of that and weekend and night differentials are to be calculated into overtime. APEX does that so you are owed pre-APEX. This is money owed you!

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