Friday, February 19, 2010

Primetime Vacation Update

With the advent of the 28 day schedule came another problem to solve. Primetime Vacations. Steward Westerdahl and I met with Hennepin County Labor Relations and the HCSO administration to determine what would be considered a 'work week' when putting in for Primetime Vacation.

Article 12, Sec. 4 of our Agreement says we can designate 1 to 3 consecutive 'work weeks' as Prime Time Vacation. There is no definition of 'work week' in our contract. Under the 6/3 schedule we had for 36 years a work week was 6 days. Which sandwiched in between two sets of days off gave you a 12 day vacation.

On the 28 day schedule you must put in and use vacation for every day you want off as there is no guarantee the other regular days off will be approved where you want them. If we decided a 'work week' was too short then it would have been difficult for people to get longer vacations because they will only allow 5 off for days and mids and 4 off for dog watch.

We decided on 7 days for several reasons. One it gives everyone an opportunity to get a real vacation. Two, its a division of 28 so more people have a chance of getting vacation time approved. Three, you only use 56 hours of vacation for seven days off. On the 6/3 you used 51 hours for six days off. Only a five hour difference.

Bottom line: If we didn't make a decision the employer would have made one for us.

Hopefully this works well for this year. If not we can revisit it next year.

1 comment:

  1. Fridadesai2:23 AM

    I respect the fact that you want this, but the contract is the contract. If they want it they can do it as long as it's 80 hours a payperiod. If they want a language change they have to wait 2 years and negotiate it and let our members vote on it. This contract is closed.

    Best Attorney
