Tuesday, June 09, 2009

New Class Action Grievance

Today a class action grievance was filed by myself and our business agent to restore the 1.5% inconvenient work schedule pay we gave up in January 2002 for the Holiday clause now nullified by Sheriff Stanek's 28 day schedule. Our business agent was told by Sheriff Stanek this would be restored when the 28 day schedule took effect, it was not.

Also, the step two class action grievance over the Sheriff's Office denial of overtime has been rescheduled until next week. Not only has the administration not kept their word that we were to be in the locker room at the start of our shift and at our duty station 15 minutes later, something repeated even at our very last shift briefings, they are often not approving overtime for late relief either.

A little bitchin', four years ago the county asked us to accept two years of no cost of living raises saying it was a once in a lifetime situation. We did this. This year we are again looking at another set of zero's. Last summer all vacations and even days off were cancelled for the RNC. We didn't complain but rose to the occasion.

Now this year the Sheriff's Office switched us to the 28 day schedule effectively ruining many of our members summer. They were asked repeatedly not to go to this schedule, one not used at any other jail in the country, especially in such a bad year for contract negotiations, but they did it anyways over repeated complaints from the union.

I can only say this. This will be one hell of a contract for them to negotiate.


  1. When it comes to this county keeping any promise, PFFTTTTT! it don't mean shit. I for one, keep relieving prior shift by 1430, and do not get relieved until 2220 if lucky. I was told by Sgt. Shanblott that I would be at my duty station at 1430, and not 5 or 10 minutes after, like I should be able to. I see others being relieved early, leaving early, like we are supposed to be. ALSO, some people are still taking their "executive" lunch breaks, and relieving at 1435 or later, then leaving at 2215 or so. Everyone should be equal, unless you are a favorite of Sgt Shanblotts'.

  2. Follow the captain's directive and be at the sign in room at the start of your shift. The class action grievance for your initial changing time will cover before shift and after shift changing eventually. If you are relieved late or get back late to the key box put in for overtime. If it is denied grieve it. They are wrong on this.

  3. sangambayard-c-m.com
