Monday, February 16, 2009

Sheriff's Office Violates Agreement

On Friday the 13th of February the HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS DIVISION issued a memo stating that:

The Shift Bid has been delayed. More information is forth-coming.

This is a direct violation of our Agreement with our employer Hennepin County!

Our Agreement reads in Article 7, sec. 4: "On or about February 15 and August 15 of each year, each Detention Deputy and Detention Technician shall be permitted to bid for the shift such employee prefers within the work unit of the Sheriff's Office to which such Detention Deputy and Detention Technician is assigned. "

This blatant disregard of our Agreement affects not only detention deputies and techs right to bid their shift but also cuts into the time employees have to bid their Prime Time Vacation which is due by April 1st.

I will be speaking with Hennepin County Labor Relations tomorrow. I'll let you know via the e-group if any action is needed on your part.

Apparently the Professional Standards Division doesn't include following the contract!

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