Friday, October 03, 2008

U.S. citizens betrayed, U.S. becomes socialist nation

President Bush, the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives voted today to become a socialist nation and no longer follow free market capitalism by voting to bailout Wall Street using $700 billion tax payer/citizen dollars. These same criminals in recent years have made it harder for U.S. citizens to declare bankruptcy and free themselves from personal debt, but felt no shame in taking the same citizens dollars to bail out Wall Street which has now gone from a free market to a government owned and controlled market.

An interesting aside, when the House originally voted down the bailout oil fell below $100 a barrel. I predict that with the losses of these greedy bastards being paid by stealing from the citizens they'll reward us by running up the price of oil again, while all of the asshole politicians will spend the next month before the election promising to bring them down.

These are the few friends of the people who voted according to their constituents overwhelming letters, emails and phone calls not to support Bush's criminal bailout of Wall Street:

Minnesota's Friends who voted against the bailout:

Representative Michelle Bachmann
Representative Tim Walz
Representative Collin Peterson

Minnesota's traitors to the people and free market capitalism (voting for the bailout) :

Senator Amy Klobuchar
Senator Norm Coleman
Representative John Kline
Representative Jim Ramstad
Representative Betty Mccollum
Representative Keith Ellison
Representative James Oberstar

Non -Minnesota readers of this blog can click here to see how their Representatives voted.

National Traitors:

President Bush
Senator John McCain
Senator Barack Obama


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