Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is the 2008 Republican Platform Anti-Union?

The 2008 Republican Platform has some very disturbing language under Protecting Union Workers. It reads:

...the nation’s labor laws, to a large extent formed out of conflicts several generations ago, should be modernized to make it easier for employers and employees to plan, execute, and profit together. To protect workers from misuse of their funds, we will conscientiously enforce federal law requiring financial reporting and transparency by labor unions.

The Bush administration has put so much government regulation on Unions that much of our dues money and our Union's time is wasted giving more financial information to the government then the failed financial institutions they should have been regulating. It is a government effort to bury Unions in paperwork and regulation.

The Republican platform goes on to attack the Employee Free Choice Act spreading the lie that it is designed to deny workers a secret ballot in union referenda is an assault, not only against a fundamental principle of labor law, but even more against the dignity and honor of the American work force. We oppose “card check” legislation, which deprives workers of their privacy and their right to vote, because it exposes workers to intimidation by union organizers.

This is a bald face attack on workers right to organize in the face of employer intimidation and does NOT deny the workers right to a secret ballot. Daily Kos has a good article on this.

I'm not telling you how to vote, I'm just trying to educate on the fact that who's in office directly affects our livelihood.

This same 2008 Republican Platform also addressed the Home Mortgage crisis saying:

...At the same time, government action must not implicitly encourage anyone to borrow more than they can afford to repay. We support energetic federal investigation and, where appropriate, prosecution of criminal wrongdoing in the mortgage industry and investment sector. We do not support government bailouts of private institutions. Government interference in the markets exacerbates problems in the marketplace and causes the free market to take longer to correct itself. We believe in the free market as the best tool to sustained prosperity and opportunity for all. We encourage potential buyers to work in concert with the lending community to educate themselves about the responsibilities of purchasing a home, condo, or land.

We see how well they kept that promise.

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