Sunday, February 24, 2008

You Can Stay Brown!

Middle shift supervisors are telling detention deputies to be changed to black by 2/28 or be "dealt with accordingly."

On December 10th 2007 in response to a detention deputy wanting to be reimbursed for buying black leather Inspector Cooper wrote:

"Sheriff's Administration, however, decided that those Detention Deputies who have been issued brown leather could stay in their brown leather."

Furthermore at a meeting on January 31, 2007 with Teamsters Business Agent Tom Perkins, Hennepin County Labor Relations attorney Greg Failor and myself, I told Inspector Cooper that his memo was still posted in the jail ordering us to switch to black. He said that it was still posted because the licensed deputies still had to switch, but that he would be sending out an email shortly.

I will be contacting Hennepin County Labor Relations and Inspector Cooper tomorrow.

Furthermore, the December 10th email informing detention deputies they could stay in brown was also sent to Captain Wresh, Captain Roberts, and Lt. June Johnson, who should be aware!


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