Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Media Pressure

As you know Dave. R's jury is still out. Anyone on our egroup knows his side of the story. Unfortunately anyone accused of a crime knows the first thing advised by your attorney is to be quiet. So right now his side can't be published here or in the newspapers. Unfortunately this doesn't prevent the press from smearing your name or the KQ morning show from making a mockery of you, or even the Star Tribune from kicking you one more time when the jury is out.

One thing to remember is this, under our system a person is innocent until proven guilty. The standard of conviction is beyond reasonable doubt. There are three possible outcomes at this point:

1. Conviction
2. Acquittal
3. Hung Jury

Only in a conviction will the prosecution have proven it's case. Acquittal or even a hung jury means the prosecution couldn't even convince 12 people that a crime was committed.

So far Team Legal has spent over $20,000 on his defense. This is a real benefit to being a dues paying union member.

Watch this blog for an update when the verdict is in.

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