Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hennepin County's Proposal

Today October 16th we met again to negotiate with Hennepin County. They gave us their proposal. These are the highlights of their proposal:

Pay increase-1.5% pay increase for 2008 and 1.5% for 2009

Replace Vacation and Sick Leave with PTO (Personal Time Off)

Insurance Rates for Employees:

Single Coverage to pay $25 per month
Employee plus spouse-$340.49/mo
Employee plus children- $260.80/mo

*Of special interest
They want to engage in a non-binding discussion of the black leather change
Ditto for 12 hour days

They are ending the Retiree Health Insurance provision. Employees hired after the execution of this Agreement will not receive this benefit. Those of us now employed may continue with this.


  1. Anonymous11:54 PM

    will the PTO affect new employees only or all of us? and what happens to our hours if we have an excess of 480 hours (the current PTO cap)?

  2. sangambayard-c-m.com
