Sunday, September 09, 2007

September Update

Contract Negotiations Begin September 18th

The Leather Issue has not yet been resolved

The grievance filed after management unilaterally ended the decades long past practice of having breakfast foods available before shift without negotiating with the union is still headed to Arbitration.

The grievance filed by a member given a suspension for uttering a profanity heard only after the Sheriff's Office was reviewing a 6 month old tape of intake for an unrelated reason is still active.

The Blood Bourne Pathogens bill we wrote is still not being utilized.

Arbitration has been set for October 8th, 2007 at 9 AM. RE: TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 AND HENNEPIN COUNTY BMS CASE #06PA0844 (HOROBIN #3234)
This is a case involving an SRT cell extraction that resulted in a 10 day suspension. It is the Union's opinion there is no just cause.

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