Monday, September 17, 2007

Labor Rally at Government Center

News from AFSCME Local 1719

When: This Tuesday the 18th at Noon in the Hennepin County Government Center Plaza there will be a rally by AFSCME Council 5 Hennepin County employees and others concerned about negotiations. I have been informed that Postal Employee Union Members and Teamsters will be there also supporting this rally by their attendance. Everyone is welcome to help support this rally to show the county board how serious we are in these negotiations.

Issue: After three meetings the county still has not given employees a health care proposal or moved on any issues. There are only three negotiations scheduled until we go to mediation. The more people that appear at this rally will show the county board that this negotiation time is a serious time where they must pay attention. I know in my local union at least 31 people are free that day or not working during the time of the rally. I hope every one of them show up to demonstrate that we as union members are serious about this contract.

Thanks for attending I hope to see you there on Tuesday,

Dean Enge 1719

I would encourage any of our members availabe to attend. What affects them affects us. This is day one of our negotiations.


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