Saturday, March 03, 2007

City of Minneapolis should apologize to Lt. Kroll!

Minneapolis P.D. Lt. Kroll is in hot water for allegedly referring to Congressman Keith Ellison as a terrorist. The Star Tribune is reporting that during a required ethics class Lt. Kroll implied that U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison is a terrorist. The article goes on to say: Chief Tim Dolan sent an e-mail to all employees saying the comments were unacceptable and unflattering to the department. Dolan also issued a public apology to Ellison, a Democrat from Minneapolis and the first Muslim elected to Congress.

What! First of all Keith Ellison is a public figure. As such anyone can comment on him. This is First Amendment protected speech. The same speech that allows an anti-Bush person to call the President a baby killer for invading Iraq (that no one apologizes for). Secondly, Mr. Ellison was a member of Louis Farrakahn's, anti-Semitic & anti-white racist organization the Nation of Islam. He also is associated with, and received campaign money from the Hamas connected organization CAIR. The U.S. government considers Hamas to be a terrorist organization. Ellison is also a cry baby who called the police on a fellow congressman for smoking.

The Tribune goes on quoting Ellison: On Thursday, Ellison said: "The alleged comments don't reflect the diversity of our city, or the warm embracing attitudes of those who live in the Fifth District. I'm grateful to Mayor Rybak and Chief Dolan for setting the right tone. The alleged comments don't reflect the Minneapolis Police Department, who I respect as well."

In my opinion Rybak & Dolan are cowards for apologizing to Ellison, and Ellison's comment that he respects the Minneapolis Police Department is a lie. Ellison's problems with the MPD including his association with local gangsters the likes of Shariff Willis during the murder of police officer Jerry Haaf are well known. He's also been booked into the county jail himself!

The bottom line is this. Ellison is a public figure. Ellison associates with, and receives money from organizations with ties to terrorists. Ellison was a member of a racist organization (the Nation of Islam is every bit as racist as the KKK). Ellison is an associate of criminals, criminals that have murdered Minneapolis' own officers. Lt. Kroll is entitled to speak his mind about a public figure. I believe Minneapolis Mayor Rybak and police Chief Dolan owe the citizens of Minneapolis an apology for their anti-American, anti first amendment conduct. In short, the City of Minneapolis should apologize to Lt. Kroll.

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