Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Keith Ellison Speaks For Terrorist Organization!

On October 14th Keith Ellison went to Florida to be the keynote speaker at an event sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). According to a FrontPage magazine article this organization has already raised between $15,000-$20,000 for his campaign. In a separate FrontPage article they describe Mr. Ellison's association with CAIR and describes "CAIR’s ties to the terrorist organization Hamas, given the fact that four CAIR representatives have previously been charged by the U.S. government with terrorist activity, and given the fact that CAIR is being sued for its role in the attacks on 9/11."

Powerline also has a great article on CAIR and Mr. Ellison. They report that, "The Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR was founded by three leaders of a front for the terrorist organization Hamas, in June of 1994....and Four of CAIR’s officials have been charged with terrorist activities, in relation to Hamas and Al-Qaeda. Two of those officials are behind bars in the United States; the other two have been deported."

Do not support terror! If you live in the fifth district vote for anyone but him for congress!

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