Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What is this blog?

I've been getting calls at home, emails, stopped in the halls at work, mostly over the last posting on this blog. Take a deep breath and let me clear the air. A blog is an online public forum. It is not an impersonal web page or editorial page that tells you what to think. This is an interactive forum. You have the opportunity to respond, bitch, agree with the post, tell me I'm an asshole, whatever. You don't have to hide in the shadows, or call people you think can control my posts. If you simply click on the comment button your comment will be posted unedited. This blog is not part of our website, this blog is in no way affiliated with Teamsters Local 320 or the IBT. This is the era of text messages, websites, and blogs. Join the 21st century. This is not a newspaper. Got something to say? Join in!

I will not remove the previous post for the following reasons:

1. I stand by every word.

2. The gauntlet was thrown down to Mr. Denman to respond, which at the time of this posting he has not. This being an internet forum, that post has already been emailed around and saved by others and would not simply disappear from the internet, it would only deprive Mr. Denman and anyone else the opportunity to respond, which wouldn't be fair.

3. In the spirit of fairness anytime I mention either candidate in the Hennepin County Sheriff's race I will add a link to their websites. It should be noted that on the Detention Home webpage there is a link to contribute to both Juan Lopez and Rich Stanek's campaigns.

Another point (which I'm really getting tired of explaining), our bargaining unit is not endorsing either candidate. Our members are diverse, and there is no one unified opinion. I am a union steward and do not have the power or authority to endorse, either from the members of my bargaining unit, or the Teamsters. I run the website and this blog as a service to our members and to keep them informed of things that may affect our profession, and hopefully to elicit response.

That being said, the tenor of the previous posts was in direct reaction to what I perceive is a bias in the reporting of the local newspapers and television media and an outright lie by another bargaining group. Blogs are a format to balance that out, that thing commonly referred to as free speech or freedom of the press. I will publish unedited any posts that either candidate in the Hennepin County Sheriff's race send to me. Simply email me using the link on this blog site.

In conclusion. I hope this clears up any misconceptions certain people have been entertaining. I will not publish my opinions on letterheads that pretend to speak as the unified voice of our members. This is my voice, and this is my blog that has replaced the editorial page on our website. This is an improvement because anyone is free to comment on it.

Finally, I invite both candidates to email me and tell me why they are the best candidate for sheriff and I will post it on this site for our members to read unedited.

Click here email me at this contact page.

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