Thursday, March 25, 2010

Schedule Facts for Teamsters

There are lies flying around the jail that are causing division amongst co-workers both Detention and Licensed. I have written the following to clear the air:

Schedule Facts for Teamsters

Fact: The schedule is an inherent managerial right. (Minnesota State Statute 179A.07, Agreement Article 6, Sec. 1.)

Fact: Sheriff Stanek chose to put us on the 28/8 schedule against the wishes of the Teamsters Union.

Fact: Teamsters Union Steward Miles conducted an informal poll of our members regarding schedule choices including 12 hour days. The Administration would not consider at it.

Fact: Teamsters Business Agent Tom Perkins wanted to conduct an official poll of all Teamsters Local 320 members regarding various schedules. The response was, “This is not a negotiation. This is a notification.” We were told they wouldn’t even look at it.

Fact: During negotiations a few weeks ago we offered up several schedule options including 12 hour days, 10 hour days and 6/3. They were not interested in moving from the 28/8 schedule.

Fact: Both Hennepin County and Teamsters Local 320 have certified their contract items for arbitration. Hennepin County certified no changes for the schedule or language relating to it.

Fact: The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Deputy Association (HCSDA) is currently discussing a 12 hour day schedule with Hennepin County Sheriff’s Administration.

Lie: The Teamsters are standing in the way of a 12 hour schedule.

Fact: Sheriff Stanek could exercise inherent managerial right and place all job classes on a 12 hour day at any time, or return us to 6/3 if he chooses.

Fact: The Teamsters did not support the switch to the 28 day schedule. It was imposed by inherent managerial right. The Sheriff exercising that same right can change the schedule with the stroke of a pen.

Fact: This is Sheriff Stanek’s schedule.

Footnote: Those of you who are angry because you can't get a weekend off or even days off together remember this is NOT because we are standing in the way of a 12 hour day. It is because Sheriff Stanek took us off of 6/3 and placed us on this 28/8 schedule. A schedule used by no other jail in the country!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Schedule: Employers Right

There is talk floating around about going to a 12 hour day. There are intimations that somehow it is up to the Unions to decide the schedule. Not so. Under both Labor Law and our Contract Sheriff Stanek with the stroke of a pen could put us on 12 hour days or return to 6/3 exactly like he put us on the 28 day schedule.

The Law:

A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent managerial policy. Matters of inherent managerial policy include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs of the employer, its overall budget, utilization of technology, the organizational structure, selection of personnel, and direction and the number of personnel. MS 179A.07 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS.

Our Contract mirrors identical language in Artilce 6, section 1.

In other words we are on this schedule solely because the Sheriff wants us on it. He and he alone made that decision. It didn't matter that virtually no one wanted the 28 day schedule. To pretend they suddenly care about what schedule the employees want and to go through the charade of considering something else is disingenuous and a smoke screen.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Legislative Priority

The time has come for the passage of the CORRECTIONS OFFICERS BILL OF RIGHTS. In 2002 our B.A. Tom Perkins introduced the Bill in the Minnesota Senate. It has languished. In this, a year with no money, the time has come for its' passage. The language is similar to the Peace Officers Bill of Rights but applies to our profession. It's time we had the same protections given to cops. It's time to join forces with the State Corrections Officers on this and other vital issues. They make up 70% of Corrections Officers in Minnesota. The time has come to join forces in solidarity for our mutual benefit.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Funeral for Moriah Ann Cooper

Detention Deputy Cartrell Cooper's daughter, Moriah Ann Cooper has passed away. There is a card at work to express your support at this difficult time. For those who can attend:

The funeral will be on Tuesday March 22nd, 2-4 PM

Estes Funeral Chapel
2210 Plymouth Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411-3600
(612) 521-6744